Chapter 6

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  Here it is, the holiday special...sorry if it isn't that good, didn't know what to put into it. Anyways enjoy! Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year! 

 NEST base, Diego Garcia
3 Months after Egypt

"Hey," Matsuri chirped as she jogged over to Will and Robert, both whom were putting finishing touches of the Christmas tree. It was agreed throughout the base that they would celebrate Christmas and the New Year properly this time around- they deserved it, or so the general said. "I see you're almost done."

"Yep," Robert grinned. "Also, there's a surprise or two for you and Will."

Matsuri raised an eyebrow before shrugging and just watched as Will put a stop at the top of the tree. He stepped away from the tree, nodding at his handy work before looking at the woman with a slight grin. "Come on, let's go wait outside for the surprise."

Matsuri nodded and followed him outside, but it seemed that our surprises were already there, waiting for them to walk out.

A blur suddenly ran over and crashed into Will's legs.

"Annabelle?!" Will gaped before scooping his daughter up and hug her close. The next was Sarah, his wife, walking over to him and pressing a kiss against his cheek.

Matsuri was engulfed in a hug with two bodies against her and a grin broke out across her face before she quickly hugged Mikaela and Sam back.

"What are you two doing here?" I questioned them once they pulled back and Sam pointed behind them, to Optimus who was walking up to them with Ironhide- probably their rides here.

"Optimus asked if it was okay for us, Sarah and her daughter could stay for Christmas tomorrow and New Year's. As you can see, the higher ups said yes."

She glanced over at the mech, feeling her heart warm that he would have thought about this before she took the two inside.

Echomix, who could get off work to spend time with his family, came skittering over and climbed up to Matsuri's shoulder, waving at his 'aunt and uncle'.

Matsuri rubbed the top of his head before nudging him slightly. "Go say hello to your Sire, Echo."

The little bot chirped before climbing down and head straight to Optimus. Matsuri shook her head before she heard the snickers of the two humans beside her. "What? I can't control who he sees as a father figure."

"Maybe you should get the hint." Sam teased, making her raise an eyebrow at him.

"Come on, don't play dumb." Mikaela spoke up. "It's glaringly obvious to us on who you like."

"Mikaela." Matsuri groaned.

"She's right." Sam hummed. "It is obvious- well, at least for the ones who know you pretty well."

Matsuri shook her head and sighed. "I doubt Optimus thinks of me the same way."


The said woman shook her head. "Come on, let's get going."


The next day was Christmas day and, after breakfast, they had all near the Christmas tree including the bots who were using their holoforms. They were mostly scattered save for Ironhide and Ratchet, who took a seat on the floor on either side of their adopted sparkling and adopted grand-sparkling. Optimus stood a few feet away and Sam and Mikaela sat down next to Ratchet.

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