Chapter 7

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  My creative mind is slowly running out of steam right now regarding this. I probably have two or three more chapters left for this before I simply run out of ideas.  

NEST base, Diego Garcia
January 1st

When morning came, Matsuri was slow to wake up, mostly because she was comfortable laying in warm metal with a hand over her body, keeping the heat around her. She didn't open her eyes, she just continues to lay there, basking in the warmth that Optimus had to offer...until she felt him shifted under her.

"Don't move..." she groaned, and she heard, as well as felt, the flamed mech chuckle. But he did stop moving and she snuggled into the armor again. "Better..."

"It's eight in the morning, Matsuri." Optimus rumbled. "I do believe it's time to get up."

"It's time to keep sleeping." she mumbled back.

"As much as I'd like that...we both have work to do."

There was silenced from her before she huffed and grumbled. She felt Optimus sitting up and before she knew it, she was sitting in his hand, rubbing her eyes and yawning. He stood to his fool height and began to walk to my quarters and so he could go to his autobots.

Once she showered and got dressed, she made my way out and to the mess hall, where every human was at, talking and interacting with one another.

"Hey sis!" Sam waved her over and Matsuri quickly went to him after she got her breakfast, sitting down beside him.

"Hey, bro." She chirped before starting to take a bite out of her French toast. "How long do we have until you and Mikaela have to leave?"

"Three more days since it's winter break." He slung an arm around her shoulders. " was last night with your boyfriend?"

She rolled her eyes and snorted. "First, I just kind of cuddled on his chest and second, don't use that term, it sounds rather...juvenile..."

"Only you." Sam chuckled. "So, I'm guessing you're going to use their words?"

"Duh." She grinned slightly before eating the rest of her breakfast. Once she was done, she continued to talk to Sam for a few more minutes before standing and going to the hanger where all the bots were transformed and talking amongst themselves.

"Morning." She chirped. There was an answering chorus of 'Morning' from them a second later and then she was suddenly scooped up by Ratchet, making me blink.

"It's a Carrier thing." Ironhide supplied as Ratchet walked away from the group and to the other end of the hanger.

"...It's going to be one of those talks, isn't it?" Matsuri questioned, causing Ratchet to give her a look and that made her groan. "Let's get this over with."

"How long have you had feelings for Optimus?" he questioned.

"A while." She muttered before sighing when she saw his look. "Not too long after we met. I just...didn't realize it until the whole Fallen thing happened."

Ratchet nodded slightly. "I must stress that once you and Optimus will be for life. Neither of you will be able to take another as your mate."

"I understand, don't worry. We probably won't...mate... for a while though, until I'm ready for that."

Ratchet gave her one long look before nodding once in acceptance of her words. "Good, any questions?"

"Not at the moment. Can I go now?"

Ratchet made a dramatic noise before shooing her away and she quickly went back over to the others.

"Say nothing." She grumbled when she noticed them looking at her with an amused look on their faces.

"Hey, sis?" Mudflap spoke up, making her look over at him and his twin. "Skids and I wanted ta know if you wanted to go out for a drive with us. Everyone's been hogging you!"

She couldn't help but chuckle at that, though she understood where he was coming from. She hasn't had time to spend time with the twins much since the whole thing with the Fallen and if she was being honest with herself, she had missed them as well.

"Well boys, let's go!"

She'd never seen the two transformed so fast before in all the two years she had known them.

Skids opened his driver side door and Matsuri quickly jumped into the seat, buckling up as Skids closed the door behind her. With a loud whoop from the both of them, they tore out of the hanger and away from the base, driving fast. Matsuri could only laugh and grip the steering wheel.

She loved her two idiotic twin brothers with all her spark.

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