Chapter 3

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  I might read through the first two books and make sure to fix everything cause I have a feeling that it needs it. 


NEST base, Diego Garcia
3 day after Egypt

"How is it?" Ratchet questioned Matsuri as she moved her new arm around, clenching and unclenching her fist.

"It's good. There's hardly any stiffness in it." She smiled. Her new arm, besides the section that wasn't blown off, were now a sleek black with what looked like to be yellow accents.

"Good. Now, there's someone who wants to see you." Ratchet walked over to the doors of the medbay and allowed them to slide open. A small being zoomed in, up on the berth and latched onto her neck like it was a lifeline.

"Carrier, I was worried!" Echomix chittered, nuzzling into her neck.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, sweetspark." she pet her sparkling's head soothingly.

Ratchet watched for a moment before picking Matsuri up and took her out and to the hanger before setting her down. "Her arms done- and no Ironhide, you cannot arm wrestle her to see how strong it is yet."

Ironhide grumbled from his place against the wall, arms crossed which made Matsuri snicker and shake her head.

Echomix scurried off Matsuri and made a B-line straight to Optimus, eagerly climbing up until he was nestled inside the larger mech's chest plates.

Echomix had taken to Optimus not long after Mission City and had actually started to call him Sire...which embarrassed the hell out of her, but Optimus accepted it without a second thought. It was surprising to her, to say the least.

Matsuri sighed and bit her lip, looking away from the others as she thought about what Vector Prime had said. How was she supposed to tell them about any of that? What would they think?

"Matsuri, is there something wrong?" she heard Sideswipe asked and she looked up at the silver mech, giving him her best smile.

"No, nothing's wrong." she tried to reassure him before heading out of the hanger. She wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes as she thought about the now deceased Arcee triplets. She wasn't all that close to them, but they were still protective of her and she still missed them.

That's when she heard footsteps approach from behind her and she knew that it was one of the bots coming to check on her.

"Matsuri?" the deep rumble of Ironhide stated from behind her and she sagged a little. "Talk to me, little one."

"Pops, I..." she trailed off, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. "I just...I need to tell you, Ratch and Optimus something. I just don't know how..."

"You want me to comm them?"

She nodded and Ironhide lifted a hand to the side of his head and proceeded to calm the two. Mere moments later, they walked out and over.

Suddenly, three miniature versions of them were standing in front of her, causing her to blink in surprise.

"Oh...right...forgot all of you can do that." She muttered.

"Matsuri?" Ratchet spoke up expectedly.

"Right, right. Well first manner of business...I think something a little bit more was added when I was still at S-seven."

"And why do you say that?"

Matsuri took a deep breath. "Because Megatron had contacted me in some sort of mental bond both during Mission City and when he was well as in and out of my dreams."

It was silent for a long moment.

"Matsuri..." Ratchet begun in a scolding tone, his optics narrowing.

"I know, I know...I should have told you sooner. I just...after Mission City, I thought that it was over, and it didn't matter. I wasn't able to tell anyone when he was revived because of everything that was going on..."

"Matsuri, the next time he contacts you, come to one of us immediately." Optimus stated gently. "We want to know exactly what he said."

Matsuri nodded. "Will do."

"What was the other thing?" questioned Ironhide and she swallowed.

"When...I had died, a prime talked to me. He told me that I was going to be...changing."

"Changing how?"

"I'm...turningintoatechno-organic." Matsuri mumbled but they still caught it.

"You're..." Ratchet trailed off before quickly scanning her from head to toe. "By the Allspark..."

"What is it?" questioned Ironhide.

"Her skeletal structure, there's traces of what looked like to be cybertronian metal in it and she seems to have more energon in her system."

"How is that possible?"

"I'm not sure, this is the first time I have ever seen this happen."

"It's going to hurt like the pit, isn't it?" Matsuri sighed.

"I suspect it will."


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