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Dante couldn't believe it. One moment Paige was here, the next she was gone. Everyone was standing around, frozen. No one knew what to do. No one, except Will. He was a soldier, and used to situations where people got hurt. He'd fought in battle, and he knew how to keep his cool.

"Alright, everyone come here," he barked "This is what we're going to do. The sooner we finish this thing, the sooner we can help Paige. You heard what the professor said. He said when we find the box, we can go home"

"That's not what he said," Dante stepped in. "He said when we found the box we could type in the code and then we could go home, but we don't need the box to type in the code, we can go home at anytime. But we can't leave now, not without Paige!"

"Listen, I appreciate your concern for her. But if we don't find the box now, that portal closes."

"So we get her back, and then open another one!"

"We need to find that box. That's why we're here."

"She could be hurt!" yelled Dante.

"Yes, she could. But how do we know she's even alive? What if she's dead? Then we've wasted our time and put everyone's lives in more danger. Or if she's alive, but for whatever reason can't get to her bracelet. The truth is we don't know what her condition is, so it would be stupid to go after her!"

"But we have to try. We have to help her!" Dante may not have been a soldier, but he knew he couldn't leave Paige here. He wouldn't be much help finding the box, but he could help find Paige. And he knew first aid. This was why he was here. He finally had a chance to help someone, and he knew he couldn't let her down.

"Okay, man. Go after her. But you're gonna need the code," Will watched him eagerly.

Dante didn't have the code. Crap! How were they even supposed to get home?

Will watched Dante and smiled "The Professor gave the code to me. And I'm going after that box. If you want to get home, I suggest you come with me."

Dante was trapped. He couldn't do both, he could either go after Paige, or with Will. Katrina appeared at Dante's side. She must have climbed down while they were arguing. "Okay, I didn't see any water. But I did see a volcano that way," she pointed to their right. "That must be where it is."

"A volcano? This keeps getting better and better," moaned Evelyn.

"Told you we're all going to die," Lincoln grinned.

"That makes you happy?" asked Evelyn.

"I've lived a good life. Have you?"
Evelyn was quiet.

"Okay, I'd really love it if we could stick together. We know where we're going," Will looked to Dante, all eyes were on him "What'll it be?"

"I'm going after Paige. Someone has to," Dante had to try, even if it was a fool's errand. Even if he got stuck here.

Will frowned "Okay. Best of luck to you. Everyone else, come with me."

"I'm going with Dante," said Katrina. Dante looked at her, surprised.

"You don't have to, it'll be safer if you stay with them," said Dante.

Katrina flashed him an annoyed look "Safer for who? It's better if you don't travel alone. Especially here."

"Fine," said Will "But when we get the box we're leaving. If you've found her or not." He turned and started walking off in the direction Katrina had indicated. Lincoln turned and followed.

Evelyn smiled at Katrina and Dante "Good luck." Then she followed after the others.

Dante waited until they were out of sight, then turned to Katrina. "You didn't have to stay."

"I know, but I did. So what's the plan?"

Dante pointed toward the opening in the canopy. "We go that way...and hope that we find her."

Katrina started walking. Dante followed her. He checked the time on his bracelet. They had just over 7 hours left. Time was ticking.

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