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Professor Lima squirmed in his chains. His wrists were raw and sore from the constant friction of the metal cuffs around them. The room he was in was dark. It had been dark for days. A small window high up above was his only indication of what time it was. During the day he could see a faint light far above him, but now it was night. The night is dark...

How long had he been here? Days? Weeks? Time meant nothing here. Everything blurred together into one long stretch of darkness. He was alone with his thoughts. He often thought of his wife. He thought of his situation and wondered if he would ever get out of here. But mostly he thought of the project. How were they doing? Would they find all the pieces in time?

There was a creaking sound from nearby. A light appeared, floating in the darkness. It was only a torch, but Professor Lima's eyes were so accustomed to the darkness that it burned when he looked at it and he had to glance away until his eyes adjusted. Gradually he was able to make out the figure holding the torch, or at least the figure's shape. It was the same man who had brought him here, the phantom wearing the black cloak, his face was still hidden. This was the first time anyone had been to visit him since he'd been brought here, wherever here was...

The figure squatted down, his face turned away from the professor, but now the professor was able to see him clearly. "Where are the pieces to the map?" The phantom growled, his voice sent shivers down Professor Lima's spine.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me."

Lima pulled himself up straight. His muscles were sore and stiff from misuse "There's a key with all the locations. I don't have it. I'm useless to you."

For a minute the phantom said nothing. Then his head turned slightly towards the professor "You've seen the key. You know where they are."

"I don't, I promise you! I don't know anything." That wasn't entirely true. The professor was a smart man, a loyal man, he knew at least some of them. But he wasn't going to tell this man that. He'd been sworn to secrecy. And he had to protect his friends.

"Very well." The phantom moved off into the darkness. For a moment the professor thought that was going to be the end of their interview. But soon he heard a clanking, like chains from up above. Professor Lima felt the chains holding his arms begin to tighten, they lifted him up, pulled him up so he could stand on his feet again. He wasn't standing for long, the chains continued to pull him upwards until his feet left the ground. He was being pulled up into the air! All his weight hung from his wrists, the pain was excruciating, but Lima was determined not to let it show. He was going to hold out for as long as he could. He clenched his jaw, holding in a scream.

Professor Lima looked down. He could see the phantom looking up at him from below, he could sense that once again his captor was smiling. "You will tell me what you know, Professor...I'll make sure of that."

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