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The treeline broke ahead of them. Evelyn didn't know if she was grateful or angry, under the canopy at least they had the protection of the leaves above, out there in the open there was nothing. But it would be good to get out where it wasn't as dark, being trapped under the trees made her feel unsafe. Like something could jump out at her at any second.

Evelyn, Lincoln, and Will passed through the final line of trees and out into an open field. Before them was a sea of grass that came up to their knees. It stretched on for about a mile, and beyond that...the volcano!

Evelyn gasped when she saw it. She'd never seen a volcano before. Of course she knew about them, she knew how they worked. It had to do with magma density against the density of the rocks above them. She knew how destructive they could be, she'd once written a paper about the city of Pompeii, a city that had been buried under ash and rediscovered centuries later. But she'd never seen a volcano in person. And seeing one in person was something else. A magnificent mountain that looked like it had the top of it chopped off. And...a thin billow of cloud was drifting upwards from the opening, a sign, along with the earthquakes, that the volcano was active and could erupt at any moment.

Of all the days for them to come! Evelyn hated it here. She was terrified. Paige was gone, dead maybe. For all she knew she might be the next one to go. Now it really was starting to feel like a horror movie. She wasn't cut out for exploring prehistoric worlds. If it weren't for the professor she never would have agreed to this.

Evelyn had been colleagues with Professor Everton Lima for several years. He was the one who had approached her and asked her to be a part of the team. When she had first come to the university he had taken her under his wing, had been her friend when she knew no one else. She was a shy and introverted person by nature, and making friends didn't come easily for her. And now she was asking for her help. They needed her. Evelyn had never been needed before. She felt as if she owed him a debt. But now she felt that debt had been more than paid. If she had known what time travel was really going to be like...

She had made up her mind, she would find the professor and she would tell him that she quit. As soon as they got back, as soon as she could.

Evelyn walked faster to catch up with Will and Lincoln. Her feet were killing her. She'd never walked so far in her life. Gradually, the rain died down, then stopped completely.

"Finally!" Lincoln said "Next time we should bring an umbrella!"

"And some guns. That's my number one priority," Will stated. He was in front. Of course he had to be in front, Evelyn thought, he's the leader type, the one that always has to be in control.

"But what about maintaining historical accuracy," Evelyn suggested "If someone from the 1500's sees you with a machine gun, it's going to blow their mind!"

"I really don't think the dinosaurs care what you have," said Lincoln. He always had to argue. Evelyn wished he had been taken by the dinosaur instead of Paige.

"And the professor said that whatever happened, happened. So if I bring a modern day weapon back and use it, then that's the way it always happened. Anyone who witnesses it will likely come up with some explanation that makes sense to them," Will turned to look at her when he talked to her. She liked him a lot better than she liked Lincoln.

"Witchcraft. The power of God. Something like that," Evelyn concluded "That's smart."

"Where are all the dinosaurs?" moaned Lincoln "We come all the way back to 20,000,000 BC...and see one dinosaur? I want my money back!"

"One dinosaur is more than enough for me," Will said.

"I think you spoke too soon," Evelyn muttered. Lincoln and Will turned to where she was pointing. The grass was moving towards them, or at least that's what it looked like. Something was making it move, something underneath the surface. There was nothing they could do, they couldn't run; it was moving too fast. All they could do was watch.

"This is why we need guns," Will said. 

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