🚶Quitting is what makes you a failure!

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People always ask "What makes one a failure?"

I'm here to answer that today with just one word, one enemy, one stumbling block called "Quitting"

According to the dictionary


It is the deliberate ending of something.

Notice that deliberate and ending are in bold letters.

It's what you knowingly say you can't do it anymore. You intentionally walk away from it.

Why do people Quit?

As a writer, someone suddenly comes to your comment box and tell you how much your book sucks.
It hurts! It's painful! I totally understand, but what do you do?

You press the delete button!

Forgetting the hundreds of people who actually read and love your book.

You surrender to one hate comment, against hundreds of like comments.

Comment a singular one makes you forget comments a plural action.

You quit your passion!

Here is what Confucius has to say
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall."

You will fail, you will fall, but what distinguishes failing from falling is "Rising everytime you fall.'

So I urge you to 'Rise up again!'

Remember " If there exists no possibility of failure, the victory is meaningless."
        - Robert H. Schuller.

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Until the next chapter
Stay Fabulous😘

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