Why should you give up? - True life story.

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Hello everyone... To all my fabulous readers, I know that it's been quite an age since I last published a chapter in any of my books, and for this I apologize sincerely. Due to some circumstances writing has to take a back seat for the next one month, but I'll still be writing this book. Enjoy the true life story I'm about to tell and learn from it too.😊

I've always admired someone because of her courage to fight her battles(name withheld for certain reasons). She doesn't know how much of an impact she's been in my life, but I do. 2018  was the worst year for her but she held on despite the storms in her life. She wrote a crucial exam, while everyone was seeing their result hers was not on the board. When she didn't see hers, she knew that something was wrong. She tried to be positive but she knew that her result was being switched with someone else's result. Those who couldn't pass but knew the people in charge of the exam paid to have their result switched. That's exactly what happened to her. Her result got switched and she was told she didn't pass, she was to take the exam the next year again. For her when she saw people who didn't  even work for it, where she supposed to be she felt anger and bitterness. She shut the whole world out and holed herself in her room. She couldn't believe it could happen, and when telling her family how she felt, she described it as 'I feel like the world just stopped. Like the world just ended right in front of me.'

In the end she said why give up when I'm so close to my dream. It doesn't matter how many times I fall down because I'll pick myself up everytime. It doesn't matter how many people say I can't do it because I've convinced myself that I can.

Stay tuned for the next true life story on never giving up.

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