What is really love?-

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Sorry for going MIA because of college. Forgive me for I have a cool topic... "Love"


Everyone has their different views on the word 'Love'
If one is to start a sentence with Love is... and asks people to complete the sentence with what they think Love is, everyone is going to have a different ideology.

I'll be giving my own view on what I think love is until I get real life interviews from people on their idea on love.

Love is...

*The feeling that you're enough and don't have to change for anyone.

*When you're comfortable enough around who you love without feeling the need to be someone else to make them like you.

*Despite your scars you're not ashamed of showing them knowing they won't judge you.

If he wants you to change for him it isn't love.

If they are ashamed to show you to their friends they don't love you.

If he doesn't respect your decision and tries to influence his decision on you everytime he obviously doesn't respect you. Definitely he doesn't love you.

He cheats on you and is never remorseful about it. He definitely doesn't deserve you and also doesn't love you.

He makes you feel like you're lucky to have him, he's your lifeline and without him you're nothing. He doesn't love you.

You don't need to drown yourself in tubes of Ice-cream and sappy movies when he cheats on you.

You definitely don't need to change yourself to suit his taste. You were being you before he told you he has a crush on you. Why change now?
If a change isn't necessary, it definitely doesn't have to be done.

What you need to do is to get up and take a stand. Understand what love is. Define what love is to you.
Know what it means to you.

If he loves you he wouldn't:

Hit you.

Cheat on you.

Disrespect your decisions.

Talk trash about you to his friends.

He would defend you if his friends talk trash about you.

Make you his last priority.

So rise up from unworthy relationships.

You're worth everyone's time. They just have to deserve yours.


Drop your sentences on what you think love is. Start with the phrase Love is...
Be creative and the sentences will be reviewed and selected for the next chapter.
Drop your sentences here please👉
**Deadline is on the 5th January,2019. (Entries are closed)
Entries will be posted and the winners will be announced on the 25th January, 2019)

P.s- I'll post a psychological assessment on love after the challenge entry closes. Then real life interviews about love. I'll make it clear when the time comes.

Rise Up AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon