New World

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"And they rode off into the sunset"
"What's a sunset?"
"I don't know, but your grandad saw one once, and he said it was the most beautiful thing he ever saw."
"I want to see one too, dad!"
You chuckle, smiling at how innocent and naive children could be.
"Now Charlie, sunsets don't exist anymore. We only hear about them in stories."
Charlie pouts, jealous that he could never see one.
"Why are they gone? It's no fair."
You sigh, pulling Charlie into your lap. You hug him close, staring out the window.
"A lot of things have changed, son."

You're taken back to when you were a kid, when your father was ripped away from you by men in suits. They forced him into the backseat of a car, slamming the door behind him. Your mother couldn't stop screaming. You stood there in fear, not knowing what would happen next.
A tug on your shirt brings you back to reality. You look down at your son, his pale blonde hair shining under the fluorescent glow of the lights. Nobody knew how it was possible, with no sun for so long, blonde hair was rare. So rare in fact, that Charlie was the only one on the ship with blonde locks. You didn't care. It made him more special to you.
"Dad, can you tell me more stories about grandpa?"
You look around, making sure the door was still locked. If anyone heard him they would be immediately exiled off the ship.
"Okay buddy, but just this last one."
Charlie snuggles deeper into you, ready for another tale of blue skies, birds and green grass. All of which will never be seen again.

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