Wrong One

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The prince sheathes his sword, wiping sweat off his brow. He did it. The dragon had finally been slain. He looks over at the princess, who is crying into her arms. He rushes to her aide, putting a grimy hand on her shoulder. She pushes him away.
"You monster! You killed him! You killed my best friend!"
She runs to the dragons side, running a hand over its scaly face. Sobbing, she collapses against her friend, hugging him as if it would bring back its life.
The prince stood dumbfounded, how could a princess befriend a dragon? This wasn't how this was supposed to go.
"Wait, princess. You didn't need to be saved from this creature?"
The princess laughs with no humor
"Of course not you fool. He was my only friend. The only one who cared for me. And you killed him."
She rises to her feet slowly, her face burning red with anger. She grabs the closest weapon she could find, a broken chair leg. She walks toward him, keeping her eyes trained on the murderer.
"Wait, I didn't know he was your friend! I came for your heart, not your hatred. Please princess, reconsider. I meant you no harm."
"Meant me no harm?" She laughs "I think you've dealt more harm than you can take. You came for my heart, and you will leave without yours."
The princess runs at the prince, tackling him to the ground. She raises the sharpened wood above her head, and drives it deep into his chest. The prince screams in agony, fighting against the princess but to no use. He has lost too much blood to fight back. Soon, his eyes close and the last breath escapes his mouth.
The princess screams, a guttural noise of anguish that could be heard all throughout the mountain.
Tears streaming down her face, she goes to the dragon, kneeling beside him. She places her hand on the beast and whispers.
"I'm so sorry."

Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora