Lost Love

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  She stands in front of the long mirror, adjusting her veil and looking at the pristine white lace that draped her body. She raises a hand to sweep back a stray blonde lock that escaped her messy updo. She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes.
You can do this. She thought.
  Meanwhile, Millions of butterflies were floating in her stomach, the excitement of today too much to bare. She turns away from the mirror, making her way across the room to the door.
This is it. The day you've dreamed about since you were a child.
She smiles to herself, reaching for the door handle.
   She ducked down as glass shattered around her. She heard footsteps approaching her, then a strong hand on her arm.
  "Eliza, it's me."
Her head shot up at the sound of a voice. His voice. She began to stand, staring him in the face in shock. It couldn't be. He was dead.
  "What are you doing here? You died! I went to your funeral last week!"
She screams, stepping away from him.
  "I'll explain everything later, we just need to leave right now."
  "I'm not leaving you psycho! I'm getting married in a few minutes! I can't just leave, especially not with you!"
He sighs, rubbing his eyebrow.
  "Please Eliza, trust me. You need to get out of here you're in danger! If you stay, you will die."
  "This isn't real Alex. There's no way this is real. You just came through the windo-"
  The door flies open, three men in suits barging through it. Two of them carry large guns, the other a champagne glass. She recognized two of them as groomsmen.
   "Mark? What the hell is going on here?"
She turns to her soon to be husband but is stopped by Alex.
   "Eliza, Mark is a spy and is going to kill you. We have to leave now!"
She looks at Mark as he drinks his champagne. He laughs, and nods.
   "Well, seems like you've ruined the surprise Alex. And everything was going so well. What a shame. I should have killed you myself."
   He growls at Alex. She backs away from Mark slowly, inching towards the broken window. The two men cock their weapons and aim at them.
   "Well Eliza, it's been real fun but unfortunately I don't think I can say I do to a dead girl."
He laughs. She notices Alex slyly motioning to the window.
   "I mean, don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing. Those legs went on for days. I can go on and on abo-"
Suddenly Alex grabs her by the waist, and runs for the window, jumping out as bullets flew past them. She glanced up at him, his hair blowing against his face as they fell through the air.
He has the most beautiful eyes. She thought to herself.
I missed him. I missed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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