28. SemiShira

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Pineapple A/N: This is an Omegaverse requested by @piapamela19

Semi walked into his place of work. The local pet store. He had been working there since his first year of high school, and was now at the end of his third. Semi had always had a kindred love for animals. He felt a special connection to them. He worked the afternoon shift that got off around  9 pm on school days, and worked almost all day weekends. His boss would always force him to go with this schedule, even if he said he could work more.

Anyways, it was a Thursday night and Semi was working the store. He wasn't alone, Tendou Satori, long time best friend, worked with him.

"Eita~Can you go get me pen please?" Tendou was signing a paper.

Semi nodded and grabbed one off the counter, "Here."


"What's that for, dude?"

"It's a delivery item~" Tendou hummed as he took the paper and a small box to the back room. Semi nodded and went back to the counter, waiting for customers.

After a few minutes, the little ding from the front door went off. "Hi, welcome to Chil-uh this pet store...If you need anything, just ask." Semi smiled and tried to see the person. He couldn't. They were hidden in an aisle. Eita tapped a pen on the counter and waited for the person to check out. After about ten minutes, the customer was still in that aisle. Semi decided to check on them. He walked over into the cat food area and found a smaller boy with light brown, perfectly cut, hair. He smelled reeeeally good. "Hi...did you need some assistance?" Semi got closer.

The male looked up, a tiny scowl on his face. "Uh I just need cat food, but I'm not sure what kind to get."

"Oh! I can help with that." Semi smiled, "What kind of cat do you have?"

"...um..." The boy looked away.

"Haha it's okay if you don't know. How big is he or she?"

"She's pretty small, about this big," He gestured with his hands.

"Okay," Semi started thinking about which one would be best, "And is she very active?"

"No, not really." He shrugged.

"Alright, you should either get the blue package or this white one." Semi pointed, "But the white one is less expensive, so I would go for that one~" Eita winked.

The smaller male nodded, "Thanks." He went to grab it.

"I can carry it to the counter for you." Semi picked up the package first.

"Uh thanks." The shorter guy blushed just slightly. Semi smiled.

"Is that all today?"


Semi nodded and went back up the the counter. "Your total will be, 1200 yen." The brown haired male handed him the money. "Thank you." He finished the transactions and handed the younger guy the bag. "Have a nice day, and if you need anything else, my name is Semi." He smiled brightly, and his customer gave the smallest smile back.

"O-okay." He walked back out of the store with his cat food.

"Heheh Eita~~" Tendou's sing-song voice called from the back room.

"Huh?" Semi turned around.

"Do you have a little admirer?" Tendou poked his side, grinning widely.

"What? I just met that guy, he's cute-but we just met. Calm down." Semi rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile.

"I've seen that kid come in here before~He just walks around, peeks at you, then leaves." Tendou chuckled.

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