Two Wizards, One Ryan | Chapter Two

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Once Ryan was decently far away from the kingdom, he quickly took off his armor and put away his weapon, a small dagger. He then took out his normal clothes from his bag and changed into them. This was all for when he met someone else.

If a wizard or witch were to see the crest of Litraxia on his armor, they would probably attempt to kill him. Also, being in more normal clothes would help him blend in even though they would be able to tell he doesn't have magic himself.

And, Ryan thought to himself, he prefered this kind of clothing anyway. He was wearing a simple white dress shirt and baggy black pants. This outfit was something he'd wear when he's not performing any of his knight duties.

Ryan adjusted his bag strap and continued walking. The King had given him specific directions to an area where magical folk seemed to inhabit. It was only several miles away, so if Ryan kept a steady pace, he would make it there before sunset.

About halfway through, Ryan really wished he could take a horse. But apparently Litraxia "really needed them at the moment." That probably just meant the King thought he was going to die on this quest and he valued the horse's life.

Or maybe Ryan's just pessimistic.

Ryan's legs grew tired and began to ache more with every step as the walk stretched on. But he made it to a clearing. The green grass was tall and the area was surrounded by beautiful flowers. Ryan smiled as he observed them, remembering the flowers back near his home.

"Hey, I've never seen you around here before," A warm voice called out. Ryan froze, not expecting to have already made contact with someone. He looked up at the owner of the voice.

It belonged to a boy who looked only a little younger than him, maybe nineteen if Ryan had to guess. The boy had shaggy brown hair and warm brown eyes. He looked nice enough, but as Ryan's gaze went lower, he recognized an amulet around his neck. This boy was a wizard, and therefore, evil.

"I'm just a traveler," Ryan lied, recalling the cover story he made up for himself while on the trip. He smiled stiffly, hoping the boy wouldn't notice how uneasy he felt.

"I see," The boy said, practically beaming with joy. And his smile was something to behold. He smiled with all his teeth rather than just the curve of his lips. His smile belonged to a prince who had many admirers, not some wicked wizard. Not some evil being like this boy.

Ryan was still thinking about this when another figure approached the two. "Brendon, what have I told you about running off?" The male scolded.

The boy, Brendon, appeared sheepish, bowing his head slightly. "I'm sorry, Dallon. I swear it won't happen again."

Dallon sighed. "How many times have I heard that before?" After that, his gaze turned to Ryan. He narrowed his eyes. "And who might you be?"

"My name's Ryan, I'm just passing by," Ryan spoke quickly, intimidated by the older male. His appearance didn't help. Dallon towered over both Brendon and him, and if the height factor wasn't enough, he seemed like more of a wizard than Brendon did. He had a similar amulet around his neck and a suspicious cloak wrapped around him. There were plenty of rings on his fingers, and Ryan could've sworn he saw his eyes flicker a different color a second ago.

Fuck. This guy was the real deal. He could probably kill Ryan with the flick of his wrist.

"Ryan," Brendon repeated, almost like he was testing the name, deciding if it was good. He smiled faintly, "I like it."

"I don't," Dallon snapped. He tugged at Brendon's sleeve slightly. "Even you can't be stupid enough to trust a random stranger."

Ryan frowned. He couldn't tell if the two were even friends. Dallon seemed completely annoyed at the moment, and Brendon just seemed out of it. In a strange way, too. "Hey, he's not stupid," Ryan defended him, and then wondered why he even tried.

"See, Dally," Brendon beamed, his eyes almost crinkling. "Ryan is a nice stranger."

Dallon scoffed and turned his head, simply muttering about not calling him that. But Ryan noticed there was a slight smile on his face. Perhaps they were friends.

"Do you need directions, Ryan?" Brendon asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Where are you even traveling to?"

Knowing that they were wizards, Ryan stumbled for a moment. He figured they could be harder to deceive. Maybe. "No, no. I got it," He said quickly. "Just gotta keep going straight and I'll get there eventually."

Brendon's eyes lit up with joy. "Hey, I think we just might be going to the same place!" He cheered. "Let's go together."

Ryan wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Being around the two of them made him extremely nervous and terrified for his life. Well, more so due to Dallon.

"Ugh, really?" Dallon growled, obviously not liking the idea of hanging out with Ryan.

Because of that, Ryan answered, "Oh, if it won't bother you." And batted his eyes. Ryan loves being petty, and maybe it would be worth being around them if he got to piss Dallon off. And maybe Ryan could see Brendon smile more...

Brendon threw his arm around his shoulder and attempted to do the same to Dallon with his other. Dallon hesitated before allowing it to happen.

As the three continued to walk, Brendon hummed, Dallon complained, and Ryan silently prayed for his life. There was no telling how many more wizards and witches he would meet once they made it to the camp.

But if more of them were like Brendon, maybe Ryan could make it out of there alive. The younger boy was like an excitable puppy, and seemed like no threat at all. It almost made Ryan sad that he had been cursed by the wicked influence of magic. Had he not have been a wizard, maybe him and Ryan could've actually been friends.

In that regard, perhaps life was unfair. Many others are cursed with the same burden, and their entire being is ruined. Nobody can be good with magic in their grasp, Ryan knows this.

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