Bloodshed, Loss, and War | Chapter Ten

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Time passed by slowly as the witches and wizards they called traveled and made their way to their site. Dallon addressed them all as they settled in the tent, the clear leader here.

"Everyone, we march towards Litraxia at dawn and attack at dusk," he stated confidently. "I am aware of the doubts you have, but with our savior, the culmination of the Urie's hatred, we shall be victorious."

The wizards and witches looked confused. Dallon beckoned him forward, grinning. Brendon shakily moved to the front, Dallon wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Dallon continued speaking, getting louder and louder "The rumor we heard years and years ago was true. This boy has the power to terrorize them for what they have done. He will lead us into the next generation, in which magic will be accepted by all! I simply ask for you to fight alongside us, alongside our savior."

Cheering was heard all throughout the room. A wide grin spread across Brendon's face as he looked at them. They were like a huge family, not soldiers. "Everything's going to be fine," Dallon reassured him quietly, grinning as well.

"I know."

Then, they began the final journey to Litraxia.


At dusk, it's chaotic. Wizards and witches storm in through the gates of the kingdom, their weapons enchanted. They kill citizens left and right, despite the fact they weren't part of the problem.

The King was eventually notified. He ordered every knight into the throne room. There, he gave them their orders. "I want all of you to kill every witch or wizard you see," he stated passionately. "We must not allow them to beat us."

Ryan nodded, as did the other knights. Then, they were off, battling them in their kingdom. It was not often they fought in this setting, and it made Ryan extremely uncomfortable. Fighting around his home was diffucult.

Ryan was tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and was faced with a witch with platinum blonde hair and her magically gold eyes. She scowled at him, and Ryan took the chance to jab his sword at her. She quickly ducked out of the way, and for a while that cycle repeated of her evading his attacks. Then, her sword levitated and went towards him. Ryan tried to evade it, but it slightly hit his shoulder.

The pain urged him to finish this up, so he went closer and stabbed her midsection with his sword. She screamed in pain as he took it out, leading to her collapsing. Ryan was sure she would die from the blood loss, so he moved away from her. The yells and battle cries around him kept reminding him of where he was, so he quickly raced back to where his house is.

He tried looking for his father, because clearly the magic users weren't holding back. They proved they would attack anyone. Outside the porch was his father, but his father was lying on the ground. Ryan quickly fell down next to him, shaking him. "Dad?!" he exclaimed. "Come on, look alive! Please!"

But there was no response. Ryan leaned down and rested his head on his chest. He wasn't breathing. There was no obvious wound either, yet he was dead. One of them killed him.

Ryan was filled with fury. He stood up, grabbing his sword and started attacking any of the enemies. What did he have to live for? It was either kill or be killed, at this point, and they already got rid of his father. There was not much else to worry about.

When he entered the area where most of the fighting was going on, he saw someone killing many knights. The wizard didn't seem to be struggling as he easily beat them. He was one of the few that didn't have a weapon of some sort with him. He would either fling them with magic or maybe use fire to burn them.

Ryan stared, completely taken off guard. As he looked closer, he realized it was Brendon. His heart started beating faster and faster, and this time it wasn't about anxiety or fear from the battle. It was because Brendon was out there fighting against Litraxia. Dallon had won, had managed to change his mindset. Dallon, who was fighting right beside him.

Ryan focused on fighting, trying to remain on task and not let his heart interfere. It seemed almost impossible, because Brendon owned his heart. However, his heart was irrelevant in this matter.

He must stick to his duties, not listen to his heart.


Fighting, Brendon realized, was as diffucult as he thought it would be. It wasn't because the citizens and knights were hard to fight; it was because hearing them scream, cry, and seeing them take their last breaths was traumatizing. Every once in a while, Dallon would manage to find a moment to check on him. He would tell him that he was doing great, to keep being strong.

Dallon knew his struggle. He understood how he felt. It made Brendon feel better, despite what was going on. Suddenly, a piercing scream caught his attention. He finished off another knight before searching out the noise.

Patrick was on the ground, a sword having hit his chest. Strangely, the scream came from Pete, not him. Pete fell down beside him, pulling him into his arms as Patrick slowly died. Brendon was horrified and disraught.

Pete's reaction was worse. Instead of being sad, he was simply angry. He let out a loud scream full of rage and started to take down many of the Litraxians nearby, his magic going crazy. He was going on a full-on rampage due to the grief.

"Bren, watch out!" Dallon suddenly shouted. Brendon faced forward and dodged a sword coming his way. His magic instinctively flung the knight into a wall so harshly that Brendon heard his neck snap.

Brendon stared at his corpse for a moment, before Dallon made his way over to him. "You've got to be more careful," he panted.

"Patrick's dead," Brendon said. His voice sounded so empty, devoid of any emotion.

Dallon nodded, grimacing. "We expected many casualties."

Brendon didn't want to accept it. After being around the wizard for so long, facing the fact that he was dead was near impossible.

Dallon pulled him into a quick hug, scanning the area around them to make sure it was safe. "I know this is your first real loss," he said. "But he's in a better place, and he will watch us from Heaven as we make a better world."

Brendon mutely nodded. He could tell Dallon was tired, emotionally and physically. Though he was strong, it was obvious he was effected by Patrick's death as well. Also, he was so exhausted from the fighting. While Brendon hadn't really broke a sweat, Dallon had used up large portions of his magic. He made a silent agreement with himself that he would watch out for Dallon, too. He doesn't want to face another friend dying.

"We'll be okay, and we will see that better world," Brendon stated. It was more for Dallon's benefit than his own, as he wasn't sure if he believed in those words anymore.

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