Internal Feuds | Chapter Four

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"As you know, Litraxia is not fond of magic," Ryan started, his words coming out shaky. He was nervous and afraid, which is never a good mix. "They sent me, a knight, to go undercover to see what's going on with magic folks... That's it."

It was obvious to him that all four wizards were tense after the mention of the Kingdom. Yet, they wore it differently. Dallon looked mad, Brendon looked sad, and Pete and Patrick simply looked terrified. Sadly, all reactions were justified. If Ryan was on the opposing side, if Ryan was a wizard himself, he would surely feel all those things.

"So, what will you report?" Dallon angrily asked, narrowing his eyes at him. "The big and bad wizards who did nothing to harm me are menaces, perhaps?"

Brendon placed a hand on Dallon's shoulder. "Calm down. You'll only make yourself feel worse."

"No, he's right," Pete interrupted, almost growling. A small blaze seemed to form from the palm of his hand, and it only seemed to grow bigger as his anger grew as well. "You haven't been effected by that fucking Kingdom like we have, Brendon."

"Stop it!" Brendon suddenly commanded, his voice cracking.

"You're the one who hasn't lost anyone to them!" Pete shouted, and Brendon shakily took a few steps back. "You're the one who had nobody that you could possibly lose until fucking Dallon took pity on you!"

"Stop it!" Patrick hissed, placing his hand over Pete's. The blaze of fire burned him, making him let out a yelp of pain. Immediately, Pete snapped back into control, extinguishing his flame.

"Sorry," Pete whimpered, pulling the wizard closer to him.

"It's fine," Patrick smiled at him.

Then it seemed to click. Pete had been prideful of Patrick's ability to tune in with other people's emotions because he had trouble controlling his own. Patrick kept him grounded.

But Pete snapping back to reality and realizing his mistake didn't help the situation. Brendon had already ran out of the tent, not being able to take what he said. "Great job, idiot," Dallon scolded him.

"It was true," Pete defended himself. "He doesn't get it."

Dallon rolled his eyes and sighed in agitation. "Just because he didn't lose anyone doesn't mean he's the happy go lucky kid you think he is," he explained. He walked over to the entrance of the tent, holding up one of the flaps. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go talk to him. Keep an eye on Ryan."

With that, he left, leaving Ryan alone with the other two wizards. That did not go down like he expected. They had been angry, yet still no harm came his way. They were truly strange.

"Sorry about that," Patrick muttered, sitting back down on the arm chair. Pete sat down next to him, resting his head on his shoulder. "We certainly didn't intend for that kind of outburst."

Ryan wasn't sure how to feel. He pulled his knees to his chest and sighed. "It's fine, I guess."

"While Dallon's gone, I want to tell you something." Patrick began, starting to play with Pete's hair calmly. "If you're willing to listen."

"Go right ahead."

"I hate Litraxia, I will admit." Patrick stated, seemingly getting ready to tell a personal tale. His voice was quiet, and Ryan couldn't really detect emotion behind his voice. "Your King killed both of my parents when I was seven years old. I can never forgive him, but I have never held a grudge against your people. Only your King."

"That's not reassuring. I am a knight. If I were able, I would kill you where you stand," Ryan informed him, his fists clenching.

Pete growled at him. "Watch your mouth before you say trash like that."

Patrick himself was furious. "You're just a sheep to the monarchy," he hissed. "One day, you'll understand. You won't be able to leave until you do."

Won't be able to leave? True, he wasn't planning to anyway, because he didn't have enough data yet, but was that a threat? Ryan frowned. These wizards were terrible, and he had to stick around with them and manage to stay alive.

The King should make him royalty for all he has to put up with.

"I doubt that I'll change my mind about scum like you," Ryan spat. And yes, it was idiotic to do so. Pete gave him a hard punch in the face for that one.

Patrick didn't even scold him for that, though he didn't exactly approve of it either. "That black eye suits you," He simply said.

Ryan fought the urge to make a scathing remark. But truthfully, his anger wasn't great enough to make the poor decision to fight a wizard. He sighed and sank down into his arm chair.

Shortly after, Dallon and Brendon returned to the tent. None of the wizards greeted each other, simply ignoring the other's presence. Ryan could hear the two pairs speaking quietly to each other.

Ryan sighed to himself. It was getting closer and closer to midnight, and exhaustion was starting to hit him. Yet, he still felt unsure if he should trust the wizards. He always had to be on guard around them, and succumbing to sleep would be an easy time for them to strike. However, he can't just stay up all night.

Ryan decided he would wait until they all fell asleep to let himself sleep as well. Patrick fell asleep first, making quiet little noises. Then, Brendon and Dallon followed shortly after. The only one left was Pete.

It felt like ages had went by, and Ryan kept having to force his eyes up. Pete just wouldn't fucking sleep.

"Do you have insomnia or something?" Ryan hissed quietly, because being quiet around sleeping people is just common courtesy.

"Bad case of it," Pete answered. "And before you ask: Yes, magic could help. But it doesn't feel right and sometimes I don't mind being awake."

Ryan made out his figure through the darkness and stared blankly. "That makes no sense."

"Maybe not to you," He shrugged. He shifted a little bit, and readjusted Patrick as well. The two were basically cuddling, with Patrick's head resting on Pete's chest and Pete's arm around him. "There are some perks, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand."

Ryan didn't really care. Although he had been pretty set on being the last one to fall asleep, he let himself do it. Pete was probably too tired to actually harm him anyway.

Meeting these wizards was unusual, but definitely interesting.

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