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As soon as the wizards and witches began to rebuild the kingdom, they started preparations for the burial ceremony. They lost many of their own numbers, and they felt like the Litraxians deserved to be buried respectfully in their own home.

Pete didn't feel the same towards anything. He didn't really feel like helping the others out: his whole life had built up to the moment he could revenge, and yet life had to take more from him. Without Patrick around, he didn't find use of his magic. He wasn't able to use it, as he felt more empty than anything. Before, accessing his magic had felt like grabbing into a well that was beneath his being, but these days it stretched on and on and his arms couldn't reach it.

The other wizards and witches mourned for the loss of their comrades. They also grieved because they realized that this wasn't what they wanted. They wanted acceptance from the kingdom, and taking it through brute force had killed the others.

Now, they were setting up the kingdom as a place for people with or without magic. It was going to be a utopia where they would all get along, no fear or judgement involved. It wouldn't end the same way.

At the burial, Pete goes to his friend's graves. He had requested for them to be buried next to each other, even Ryan. Over time, Pete learned to respect Ryan for his strong conviction and his beliefs. Though he didn't agree with how he felt about magic, it didn't change the fact that he was a friend.

In the middle of Ryan and Dallon's graves was Brendon's. He figured both of them would want to be near him, so that's how it worked out. Many wizards and witches huddled around Brendon's as respect to their savior. Without him, they all would've died, so although the outcome of the battle wasn't favorable, they still owed everything to him.

Pete hadn't thought of him that way. He viewed him just like any other wizard, but just stronger. He had a feeling Brendon would've liked knowing that, but they were never close.

When he moved to stand beside Dallon's grave, he began to think about he first met him. Dallon had stumbled onto him and Patrick when they were off on their own. He had seemed so determined and ready to act against Litraxia. Pete respected him a lot for that, because that was before Dallon had found Brendon, before he actually had the ability to bring that dream to fruition.

And the last grave belonged to Patrick, his other half. Losing him was the greatest loss of his life. Being without him was hard. Not being able to hear him laugh or to watch him smile was torture. If there was one thing Pete had learned from him, it was his kindness. Patrick had always blamed the King, and left all the innocent people of Litraxia out of it. He also never let his anger get the best of him.
He knew the battle itself had hurt Patrick because he didn't even like hurting people or using his magic that way. He was glad he could be at peace, even if he somewhat selfishly wished he was still with him.

He took a deep breath and took a step back, glancing at all of his friend's graves. "I'll see you guys on the other side," he whispered. In that moment, he could've sworn he felt Patrick's hand on his shoulder and felt all of their presences next to him for the final time. It was the best closure he could've ever gotten.

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