Host & Spye, BFFs / News Reporter

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"Host & Spye, BFFs"

>In class

Host: "Want to be my partner for the report project?"

Porter: "Sorry Host, literally everyone in the class asked me to do it with them."

Host: "Oh ok, I'll just go ask someone else."

Spye: "Why didn't you ask me?"

Host: "I don't really know you that much. I know we're both working with Maffo, but that's really it.."

Spye: "So why not we take this opportunity to get to know eachother more!"


>After school, at Host's house

Spye: "The project is pretty simple, make a fake but believable news report!"

Host: "How are you so cheery all the time."

Spye: "Why aren't you?"

Host: "I work at maid cafe down the street, the customers make me happy."

Spye: "Wh- why is that >.>"

Host: "What are you insinuating?!"

Spye: "I'm joking, I'm joking!"

You might've been joking, but that doesn't mean it's not true XD

Host: "Shut your mouth you piece of crap!"

Meanie ;-;

Spye: "Hehe, I can tell we'll get along perfectly."

How can you tell from 1 project together you work perfectly??

Spye: "Haha I can't be cheery all the time, if you catch my drift."

*Spye fake smiles at the camera.

Host and Spye spent hours that night writing a fake news report for their class project.


>The next day in class

Teacher: "You get an F."

Host & Spye: "BITCH WHAT."

Teacher: "Porter wins the contest!"

Did we mention that this was a contest?

Spye: "Eh, we all have our talents."

We sure do. Some better than others. *looks at Host*


"News Reporter"

>In the 'News Report' Club, after school

Porter: "Finally an episode to myself!"

Not all to yourself.

Polly: "Hey Porter."

Porter: "Hi Polly!"

Polly: "You're the 'News Reporter' Club leader correct?"

Porter: "Yup!"

Polly: "Could I give you a special report?"

Porter: "Weeell, I already have 12 other requests, sorry."

Polly: "Let me rephrase, aren't you the magnificent 'News Reporter' Club leader? The one I'm told about constantly about their elegance?"

Porter: "Yes, that is me. And no, you still aren't getting a special report."

Polly: "Ugh, fiiiine.."

That was a good first impression on your character Porter!

Porter: "Espesially seeing as THIS IS LIKE, MY FIRST ACTUAL EPISOD-"


>The next day, at lunch

Student: "Have you heard?"

Girl: "Omg that's crazy."

Porter: "What's going on?"

Girl: "Uhhh."

*They walk away.

Porter: "What?"

Polly: "Looks like a student posted their own news report."

Porter: "Do you mean rumors?"

Polly: "Yup, about you."

*Polly pulls out his phone.

Porter: "'Porter was found taking pictures of other girls underwear.'"


Porter: "These are lies."

Polly: "Should've let me make a special report."

That sly asshole!

Porter: "Narrator, I bet you knew about this!"

>.> no never that <.<

Polly: "Ttyl!"

*Polly walks away.

Porter: "That bastard.."

Seeing these rumors, I take back what I said about you having a good first impression..

Porter: ">.>"


End Of Episode 4

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