039, disturbing behaviour

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Season 3 ep 4; disturbing behaviour

      Season 3 ep 4; disturbing behaviour

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Veronica woke up to one of the best news all year.

Bonnie was back.

So Caroline, Veronica and Bonnie all decided to surprise Elena at her house.

"We come bearing gifts." Caroline said holding her bowl of homemade food for the founder's party potluck.

"Please say that's not chilli." Elena breathed out. Caroline and Veronica glanced at each other with a wicked grin and stepped aside revealing Bonnie. "Bonnie!"

"I'm back!" She raced towards the brunette to bring her into a hug. "Hi."

"I leave town and everything goes to hell for the three of you." Bonnie stated giving them a sad smile.

"Bonnie!" Jeremy yells as he walks down the stairs gaining her attention. "Jeremy." They began kissing and this reunion would be cute and all if he wasn't seeing his dead girlfriends ghost.


"The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer." Bonnie complained to her best friends.

"After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family." Caroline said reminiscing about the last few days prior to this. "Since when did you learn to cook?"

"Damon helped a little." Elena said simply.

"Damon's helping you cook now?" Bonnie asked.

"Both of you stop judging. He's just trying to be a good- Ow!" Elena screamed.

"Are you okay?" Veronica asked suddenly alerted.

"Did I splash you?" Caroline questioned.

"No, no, my necklace." Elena said peeling it away from her chest revealing a burn mark. "It burned me."

"Maybe ya a sign you shouldn't be wearing it." Caroline said as Elena took the necklace off.

"Caroline..." Veronica said sternly.

"What, I'm just saying." The blonde shrugged. "If you're going to be cooking without Stefan."

"Let me see it?" Bonnie asked making Elena hold the necklace up in front of her. Bonnie touched it causing it to shock them.

"Any chance vervain now affects Doppelgänger's and witches?" Ronnie asked.



This morning when from good to bad for these girls almost immediately. Bonnie said she needed her spell book or grimore as she calls it so the remaining trio waited patiently on the benches.

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