Chapter Two

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The next morning Yoongi woke up, the stress from yesterday washing away with the thought of Hoseok. Seeing his warm smile, his hair which Yoongi always wanted to play with, his soft hands he wanted to kiss... His lips... Just thinking of him caused Yoongi to blush.

He wasn't one to get massive crushes like this, usually he shoved any romantic feelings deep into his heart, never to be felt again. But Hoseok was different. Since the first day he met him he knew it would be different. Maybe it was even love at first sight.

He eagerly got dressed, and headed his way toward the café. Before he approached the shop he took out his phone to check his appearance. Like usual, annoying dark circles hung under his eyes, it was too early for this. But he would gain energy after seeing the caffeinated boy of his dreams.

He opened the door and heard the familiar bell ding! once again. "Good morning, Hyung!" Hoseok chirped. "Morning, Hoseokie," Yoongi replied, ultimately blushing due to his cheesy nickname.

"Hoseokie?" he questioned, a soft smile on his face. Yoongi laughed in embarrassment, god, why did he do this to himself.

"I mean, uh, I just thought that... I'm sorry," Yoongi struggled, his face getting more and more red. "Don't worry, Hyung," Hoseok reassured, "I like it."

Hoseok charged him for his usual and he paid, and went to sit in his normal place. Shortly, Hoseok brought Yoongi his drink, with a small napkin. "Thank you so much," he watched Hoseok walk away, admiring his frame.

Yoongi disregarded the napkin as he drank his coffee and took a book from the bookshelf next to him. He read until he finished his drink, and grabbed the napkin and cup to bring back to Hoseok. He now brought his glass to him, feeling bad if he had to clean up after him.

"Bye Hoseokie!" Yoongi called out to him, already feeling more away. Before he walked out the door he went to throw out the napkin until he heard Hoseok shout, "DON'T! I mean, please don't throw it away, look on the other side." Startled, Yoongi examined the napkin to find a string of numbers... Hoseok's number.

Yoongi's face turned bright red, and he folded the napkin up and placed it in his pocket. "I... I'll text you," he said before rushing out of the coffee shop.


It was now the evening and Yoongi was coming home from work. He worked at a recording studio, and although he loved it, it was stressful sometimes. Yoongi unlocked the door, placed his shoes by the door, and set his things on the table. The napkin in his pocket seemed to burn a whole though this pants. Grabbing that and his phone, Yoongi eagerly put the number into his messages.

- hey, it's yoongi from the café.

Even sending that small text was hard, and Yoongi's heart raced. He placed his phone back in his pocket and went into his room. He changed out of his clothes into more comfortable. He laid on the bed when he heard a familiar ding! Hoseok texted him

Frantically, he reached for his phone and unlocked it.

- Hello, Hyung! I was worried you'd never text me )': Are you busy tonight?

Yoongi bit his lip, trying to hide his wide smile. There was no way he would pass up this opportunity.

- not at all, wanna meet up somewhere?

Not long after, Hoseok had already replied.

- Meet me at the coffee shop, and I'll take you somewhere special. 5 pm (;

Only 30 minutes until then. Yoongi quickly got up and dressed, making sure he looked nice. Sure, Hoseok saw him every morning when he didn't look the best, but this would be different. Fixed his hair and put on his shoes and then headed out the door.

- on my way

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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