Seeing Red

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She listened to the light rain falling outside and wondered if the sun would break through the clouds. Stevie lifted her hot cup of pure rooibos tea to her lips and comfortably shifted on the couch, frowning as her companion yapped at her feet. She rolled her eyes, indifferent over the animal's disturbed sleep. Stevie set her teacup aside after taking a few sips and lifted her thick notebook, returning to her sketching. Her lips curled into a pout as the curved line she drew angled. She lifted the book. "You won't let me sleep. Now, you won't let me draw," she spoke to her unborn children, pressing her fingertips into the assaulted area and laughing at the payback kick. Stevie heard the doorbell and opened her mouth to shout for Lindsey until she heard his footfalls. She didn't move a muscle from her spot; she knew who the arriving guest would be. Earlier in the week, Stevie had rung up Jeff Buckingham and suggested he visit for a weekend. She knew Lindsey needed to blow off steam and to have a last hurrah before months of sleepless nights and dirty diapers. She hoped Jeff could have a conversation with Lindsey that she couldn't. Maybe his older brother could get the man to speak freely about his anxiety. She knew he was anxious and concerned about becoming a father again. He had tossed and turned every night since she entered the third trimester.

Minutes later, she heard their voices and the noise of luggage being placed on the hardwood floors. Stevie suppressed a laugh, hearing Lindsey ask Jeff his opinion on how the San Francisco Giants' season would be. Her man was no sports enthusiast, but the older Buckingham was a fanatic when it came to football, baseball, hockey, and basketball. Stevie finished her tea and sat up, adjusting the top of her silk kimono robe. She secured the sash and tossed her hair over her shoulder, smiling at Jeff as he entered the room.

"Hey gorgeous," he greeted her, smiling warmly as she stood to her feet. Jeff hugged her tightly. "It's great to see you," he whispered, remembering the last time he'd seen her was at Greg's funeral. Jeff kissed the side of her head and pulled back, looking her up and down. "Stevie, my little brother did a number on you."

Stevie laughed and playfully swatted Jeff's shoulder. "Jeffrey," she giggled. "You're so bad."

He laughed and gave her a grin. "You look amazing," he complimented and slid his arm around her back. "I still don't know why she's crazy enough to put up with you," he said and looked at his brother.

Lindsey smirked, glancing up to the teal painted panels of the ceiling. He let out a breath and shook his head at his brother's ribbing. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered.

"Want a cup of tea or coffee?" Stevie asked Jeff.

He shook his head. "I'm fine. Thank you though," he answered and pulled out one of the chairs at the small, round table in the corner of the room. Jeff creased his brow and touched the wings of the dragon statue in the middle of the table. He briefly pondered if his niece and nephew's nursery was decorated with dragons and fairies.

"Want another?" Lindsey questioned Stevie, gesturing to her empty cup.

"If you don't mind," she said and eased onto the sofa, watching him leave the room. She turned to Jeff and scratched Sulamith's back. "How was the drive?"

"It was fine. Boring. How are the babies?"

"Good," Stevie answered with a smile, resting her hand on her belly. "At the last visit, they were a little over three pounds. What about your babies?"

Jeff snickered. "Amy's good. She's finally starting college in the fall. I was worried about that year off she decided to take, but she's decided to go to San Jose City College first. Laura's," he paused thoughtfully, hoping his answer would thoroughly explain as he met Stevie's brown eyes. "Laura's fifteen."

Stevie lifted her hand. "Say no more." She recalled Libba at that age. She thought life was unfair and wanted to stay out with her friends until midnight.

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