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          Feyre pushed past Tamlin's protective hold to get closer to the bloody mass. As she crept closer, the chains began to shift, and two turquoise eyes ringed in gold met hers. Feyre watched as the human, because the unmistakable rounded ears proved that much, hauled herself into a crouching position, as if to protect her self in such a feeble state.
"Get the healers!" Feyre yelled at Tamlin as she assured the girl, "It's ok. We are going to help. Tamlin, hurry up!"
"For all we know she could be a spy!" Tamlin yelled back.
"Yes, because everyone sends their spies on the brink of death." Tamlin growled but listened to her anyway.
          "Hey there. I'm Feyre. We are going to help you." She began to unlock the chains when she noticed a delicately carved iron mask across her face. She immediately unlocked it.
           "Can you tell me your name?" Feyre sighed when she received no answer but continued to unlock the chains. "Who did this to you? How did you make it over the wall?" She still revived no answer, but finished unlocking the chains. Feyre glances around and noticed they were alone in the room. Quickly, she cut her hand and held it up to the strange girls mouth. She flinched away, and refused to drink it.
         "Please, I'm trying to help. Drink it." Still she refused. That moment was when Tamlin burst into the room.
         "I have a room ready with healers." Tamlin stated as he walked over to the girl to pick her up. Feyre was surprised as, instead of cowering away from his touch, she slapped him across the face.
        "I can walk on my own thank you very much." The girl's voice cane out quite and raspy, yet undeniably powerful. She hauled herself into her legs, and as her knees began to buckle, Feyre lurched forward and grabbed her arm, careful not to touch her back, and kept her from falling.
          The girl looked at Feyre inquisitively but allowed her to help anyway. Feyre gave her a smile and was pleasantly surprised to receive the ghost of a smile in return.
          When they made it to the room, Feyre helps her lay face down on the table as the healers immediately busied themselves on her back.
          Feyre felt Tamlin wrap his arm around her waist and lead her from the room. She offered no resistance, but she did glance back once to see the strange girl snarling at the contact.

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