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              Aelin sank to her knees as soon as she had forced the other Fae, Feyre she reminded herself, from the room. She felt a familiar pang course through her chest. The mating bond. That territorial Fae Bastard! Aelin thought with a bittersweet smile tugging at her lips. She thought of Rowan risking his life to follow her, and all she could think about was enveloping herself in his pine and snow scent as they reunited.

           She picked up the book she had been reading and set it carefully on the table. It was a classic story about romance, action, and forced "mawwiage." She always loved the book and had grown to appreciate it more after making it through so many tough trials. It had been a classic the Arobynn had bought her to read, but she began to grow a connection to the characters. Not to Buttercup, but to Westly. She to had to sacrifice everything for her friends and mate, and they both found their way back in the end. At least, Aelin hoped she would.

         Aelin spun around as she heard a slight noise outside the door, her battle reflexes kicking in. After a few seconds of nothing, she quickly shifted to get a better sent of what had happened. With her heightened senses, Aelin could tell that it was just another servant passing through. She sighed and sank back into the chair. She always felt more comfortable in this form. 

           Except. She felt, different. Not only was the mating bond growing, but her powers felt even more limitless then usual. Deciding to feel for the bottom, she dove quickly and efficiently into her power. Aelin kept diving and diving. There was no end. After minutes of fruitless searching, she decided to try something else. Aelin walked over to the bathing room and grabbed the basin of water. Setting it on the ground before her, Aelin held her hand above it. She took deep breathes before reaching deep into the sea of flam inside her to find the tiny drop of water. Patiently, she pushed the curtains of heat out of her face, until– there. Deep in the forest of fire, she found it. 

           There the water was, but in the other world, it had grown to a sea. Waves crashed off the shore of lava as Aelin stood, the water rushing over her. She felt a familiar pull in her gut as she called the water from the basin. Her eyes shot open as a stream of water rushed into her palm. Just like fire. She willed it to turn into a ball and it did. Time to have some fun. Aelin smirked to herself.

         She turned the water into two dagger shapes before willing them to freeze into ice. She looked around for a suitable target before remembering the basin the water had started in. Placing her foot on the inside of the curve, she pushed her foot to the floor which caused the basin to spin into the air. While it was still in the air, Aelin flipped her dagger, caught, and threw. The point of the magic ice worked just as well as any medal, and the bowl was pinned into the far wall. The dagger was still shaking. 

        Aelin laughed giddily before noticing the footsteps that were growing louder. Thinking quickly, she used her fire to melt the ice and then evaporate the water. She sprinted back into the main room before sitting in her chair, shifting back, and picking up her book. No sooner then Aelin had reimbursed herself in the book had a lady walked into the room. Aelin instantly knew she would not like her. 

        "Hello!" The lady spoke with an annoying, perky voice. "My name is Ianthe, and who might you be?"

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