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Li Na are you okay?

We haven't talked in a week! Did something happen?

Li Na
I kinda broke up with this guy I wasn't even dating...

What? How?

You know what I'm not gonna ask

Are you okay tho?

Li Na
Not really... I loved him a lot and I genuinely cared about him but he obviously didn't feel the same, so I just need to get over him

Li Na
But I received some good news today so I'm feeling a little better!


Li Na
So I got the letter from UCLA in the mail today and I WAS ACCEPTED

Oh wow congrats

So when are you coming to LA?

Li Na
I actually wanted to go there soon... It takes me a long time to adjust to new places and I also want to practice my English cause it's gotten a little rusty

Li Na
And I also won't have to worry about seeing Xukun all the time. I turn on he TV and he's there! I open iTunes and he's there! I can't even order pizza without seeing his face on the flipping box!

Well I'm in need of a roommate because the old one left....

Li Na
Are you saying what I think you're sayin?!?!


Come stay with me for the 5 months before school starts

Li Na
I think I will

Authors note
Double update so be sure to read the other chapter as well. Also Matt is a new character and he hasn't been introduced however he will be fully introduced in one of the following chapters.

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