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"Hello, passengers this is your captain announcing that we are only 10 minutes away from takeoff" the pilot announced over the loudspeaker of the plane.

I sat nervously in my seat looking out the window from the plane. In a few minutes I'd be leaving my home, and soon I'd be in California. I was both nervous and excited to embark on this new journey of my life, and yet I felt incomplete.

Yesterday I had "accidentally" found myself reading all the texts Xukun had sent me. I probably shouldn't have, because now I felt like an absolute idiot. Upon reading the messages I found out Windy really was a crazy ass bitch and it wasn't just my imagination. Apparently, she went into Xukuns room without permission and took pictures of him while he was sleeping. The two hadn't done anything and Xukun was telling the truth.

It broke my heart a little thinking about what the two of us could have been. I liked him a lot and apparently, he felt the same. If I had just listened or read the texts earlier, things would have been so different now.

I looked down at my phone reading through the texts from him again. Suddenly, as a result of an incoming call the phone in my hand began to vibrate. Zhengtings name popped up on the screen but I had a suspicion that it wasn't him.

"Umm, hi" I answered the phone nervously. There was a long pause before the person finally replied.

"Hi" Xukuns quiet voice answered, confirming my suspicions. I felt my heart begin to beat faster as soon as I heard his voice.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now," he said but he was wrong. I wanted to talk to him more than anything. "Zhengting told me you're leaving? Is it true?" He added causing me to sigh.

"Yeah I am, the flight takes off in a few minutes. What do you want?"I said suddenly regretting my choice of words because it probably came off really cold.

"When Zhenting told me you were leaving I kinda cried. I don't think you know how much you matter to me because I've never really said it but I love you. I'm not just saying that I really mean it" he said quietly.

Hearing him say that he loved me brought tears to my eyes. Something about the way he said it made me believe that he was being 100% honest and it made my heart ache. I loved him too and I was going to miss him so much.

"Xukun-" I found myself saying his name but I was quickly cut off.

"Li Na I want you to stay, but I know it's too late and I have no right to tell you what to do with your life. That being said I'm going to miss you a lot... I already miss you. I wish I could have seen you once before you left and cleared everything up for you. But it's too late". By now tears were rolling down my cheeks and I had to hold my breath to stop myself from sobbing.

"Promise me you'll stay healthy and happy! Have a good flight! I hope everything goes well with you! I love you" he said sounding happy but I could hear the sadness behind it.

Before I could even think of what to say he ended the call. I looked down at my phone in disbelief.  I just wanted to hear his voice again and I found myself trying to call Zhengting back but he wouldn't answer.

"Umm, mam I'm going to have to ask you to turn off your cell phone" the flight attendant who was walking down the aisle, stopped in front of me.

"Oh sorry" I apologized, as I reluctantly turned off my phone.

"I love you too and I'm going to miss you so much. I want to stay now... but I can't and I'm sorry" I said the words I wanted to say to him to myself knowing he would never be able to hear them.

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