part 1

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uH i had the basic idea for this when i was like 12 (except for the post iw bit bc it hadn't come out yet lol) and decided to put it on here so i'm sorry if it's cringy okay bye enjoy


Based on the events after Avengers: Infinity War. Everything is almost back to normal. Lilia, aged 16, has just moved from London to Queens. She is attending the Midtown School of Science tomorrow.


I sighed as I flopped onto my new bed. My new home. I knew that I should be excited for a fresh start, especially after everything that happened 3 months ago. Yet this feeling of doubt and worry washed over me.

'Lilia. Don't worry, school will be fine tomorrow! Get some rest now, goodnight darling.' I looked over my shoulder and gave my mum a small smile, as she closed the door. School wasn't even in my worries. Well, apart from now. I had no idea what my first day would be like, in a school for American science geniuses. I wasn't even American, and I hated science, even if I was good at it. I sighed again. I was really going to miss London. Reluctantly, I switched off the light and closed my eyes.


My alarm blared in my ears. Ugh, its not even been a minute and I'm already in a bad mood. I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. I decided on some jeans and a warm knitted jumper. I applied a layer of mascara and some lip gloss and grabbed my bags.

'Mummm! How am I going to get to school?' I called. 'Oh sorry sweetheart, you're going to have to take the subway.' Ugh. Just great. I get to stand next to a bunch of strangers for half an hour. I much preferred being alone.


The train jolted as it started, and I stumbled, rather ungracefully falling into the arms of a stranger. 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry,' I stuttered, as I looked up into a pair of soft, chocolate brown eyes. 'It's ok, don't worry,' a voice chuckled. 'I'm Peter, by the way.'

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