part 2

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'I'm L-lilia,' I mumbled. Wow this guy was really cute. However, I was really embarrassed so I quickly walked to the other side of the carriage and found a seat to sit in.

~Peter's POV~

'Hey, Ned!' I called, as I walked up the familiar stairs of my school. I really couldn't believe I was actually back at school, after everything that had happened. We did our signature handshake as we walked to our lockers. Next to me, there was a girl struggling with her combination. 'Hey, um do you need any help?'

'Uh...yeah, thanks that would be great, actually,' she replied. Wait. It was her. The cute girl from the subway. 'Lilia...right?' I asked.

'Oh. You...I mean Peter! Thanks, again.' She nervously looked to the floor.

~Lilia's POV~

Goddamnit! It was him. After a few moments of awkward silence and small talk passed, we realised we both had Chemistry and walked together. 'Cute accent, by the way. I love British accents.' he sheepishly said. 'Oh...that's cool...thanks!' After what seemed like an eternity, we reached the classroom. I was assigned lab partners with a girl called MJ.


At lunchtime MJ invited me to sit with her friends, and of course, Peter had to be there.

~Peter's POV~

'Oh...Lilia. Hi again!' MJ's eyes cautiously flickered between Lilia and I. 'Wait you guys know each other already? Cool,' her face remained to the state of not caring. Ned elbowed me, whispering 'she's cute, you know.' I shoved him back, mumbling 'Ned, shushh.'

~later in a cafe~

~Lilia's POV~

'So, do you like Peter, then?' I suddenly looked at MJ, choking on my milkshake. ', of course not. Although, I sensed something between you guys, anyway.' MJ briefly paused, before throwing her head back and laughing. 'That's all in the past, girl. He's all yours,' she chuckled. 'Oh cool, thanks, I guess?' I smiled at her.


Just as I was about to go to sleep I got a text:

Just as I was about to go to sleep I got a text:

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