Break Thru

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Tsukiko stared blankly at the chili she was stirring her vision blurry from the tears gathering in her eyes. It has been only a month since Jordan had raped her. She had thought she could get through it. She was strong. Stronger than she was then. When it happened the first time.

-Her long green hair looked dirty from the countless days of it not being washed, her blood stained parts where her face was cut. She laid motionless on the dirt as the fat man thrusted into her. She looked at the door where two men stood on the outside, the swords hanging from their waists. She knew if she could fight back, or even harm the man on top of her they might actually kill her.
Tsukiko jumped when glass shattered beside her head, she glanced up to see another man, he was slender and tall, his eyes almost white and his hair the color of blood. He looked like a true villain.

"Well?" He questioned.

"I didn't hear you..." Tsukiko's voice shocked her. It's been so long since she spoke. Her voice was raspy and didn't sound like it normally did.

"I said. We are going to let some of our friends fuck you tonight, how would you like to clean up?"

Tsukiko knew it wouldn't be a nice hot bath with lavender and rose petals. It would be an icy cold stream, rocks digging into her feet, water creatures possibly attacking her. "No.."

The man narrowed his eyes and grabbed her roughly by the hair and held a gun to her chin, a small smile graced her lips by accident. The man pulled away and scoffed. "Killing you would give you what you wanted and I want you to live."

Tsukiko held back a sob as they drug her to a creek, they forced her in her knees and kicked water at her yelling at her to clean herself up.

It wasn't even twenty minutes later when three men came in, they all smelt of rotten meat, they licked their lips and two others came in, tying her arms to the ceiling as all three men took her, her cries silenced by a penis being shoved in her mouth.

After all of them finished, coming on her body they left and the woman cried silently. She crawled to the corner. A reflection shined in the dark as the ship sailed in the night. Tsukiko crawled over and saw the broken bottle that was thrown earlier. She grabbed a thick piece and held it in her hands. She held her arm down, a cast of moonlight perfectly on her arm, she held the glass to her vein, the pointed part piercing her skin as her vision blurred she pressed harder and sliced all the way to her elbow letting out a loud sob -

"TSUKIKO!" Kid shouted and grabbed her arm to turn and face him, his arm dropped when he saw the red eyes filled with tears, her lip quivering. Kid didn't know what to do, so he pulled her to his chest and let her cry on him. The captain turned to Killer. "Get a bowl ready for her and I. We'll be in my room. She needs to talk and I'm making her."

Tsukiko sat in the middle of the captains large bed. Her legs pulled close to her chest as she hiccuped. It had taken Kid almost and hour to calm her down. "Talk." Kid said looking at her.

"I...can't." Tsukiko said avoiding her captains eyes. she had never really feared Kid, but right now she feared he would see how weak she was and he would drop her off at the next island.

Kid sighed. "This is the problem with women on a pirate crew."

Tsukiko froze, she knew he regretted bringing her on the ship. he would either abandon her or kill her. "I'm sorry.."

Kid raised his eyebrow. "For?" Kid blinked and stared at the woman, his amber eyes narrowing when she refused to look at him. "You know I would never hurt you, no one on this crew will." Tsukiko shot him a look. "Now." he finished with a sigh. "I don't know how to deal with all this," he said gesturing to all her body. "But something is wrong, so talk, I don't care if you don't want to this is captains orders."

Tsukiko rested her cheek on her knees, her face turned away from him. "I feel like you regret letting me on the crew?"

"Why?" Kid questioned, looking to the door when a knock sounded through the room. "Enter." Kid spoke knowing it was Killer with the food. The first mate entered, two bowls of chili, a mug of ale and a glass of red wine. "Thank you." Kid spoke to his first mate, shaking his head when he saw him look at the emerald haired woman.

Killer reached on the tray of food, retrieving a flower and laying it on the bed at her feet. "It's a Protea, it's been known to help with courage. We are all here for you, just talk to us." Killer spoke and looking at his captain, the red-head had not stopped looking at her. Killer left the room, giving his captain and nod.

Kid watched as Tsukiko touched the flower. "I'm a coward-"

"Oh shut up, you have went through how much in your life? You're the only female on this crew and you can wrangle all of us with that pretty little smile of yours. You might not be physically as strong as a man but you are ten times more capable of handling the New World than half these little pricks." Kid grunted at her, he watched as her eyes turned to him, shock filled her red orbs.

"I act like I'm strong. I feel like I'm only hanging on by a thread and I just want to let go." Tsukiko whispered, Kid barely heard it.

Kid got up, going to his bed and sitting beside her, taking her shoulders in his large hands causing her to look into his amber glare. "You won't let go, want to know why? Because you are part of the Kid Pirates, not just a deck hand. You are one of my most trusted and loyal crew-mates. You are part of my family. I will never, ever, EVER." Kid said gripping her shoulders more. "Ever let you fall."

Tsukiko's bottom lip quivered as she dove into his arms, her head buried in his shoulder as she cried. She cried all her anger, all her sadness, her frustration and doubt she let it all out and Kid let her, her ran a hand through her hair letting her tears and snot cover his fur jacket and chest.

"Will you tell me everything?" Kid asked once she had settled down.

Tsukiko frowned and shook her head, sniffling. "Not right now, but soon.."

Kid sighed and nodded. "As long as you tell me before we get The One Piece."

Tsukiko smiled. "You'll know everything before you're the King of the Pirates." Tsukiko got up, stretching. "I'm going to head to bed."

Kid nodded. "Sleep in tomorrow, I'll have Killer on breakfast."

"I'll stop by his quarters and let him know. I wanted to thank him for the flower" Tsukiko said as she went to the door, twirling the flower in her hands, Kid following the woman. "Oh and Kid... Thank you.." Tsukiko said looking at her captain and kissing his cheek before slipping out the door. Tsukiko went to the Massacre Soldiers door and knocked quietly since it was so late.

"Tsu." Killer said as he answered the door, surprised to see some life back in her eyes. "How are you?"

Tsukiko smiled and nodded. "I'll be okay.. Thank you, for the flower I mean." she said holding it up with a smile.

Killer nodded. "Of course, we wanted you to know you're not alone. you have us even if you don't think you have yourself." he said poking her forehead. "We got you."

"I know." she smiled. "Oh, Kid told me to tell you to do breakfast in the am.." Tsukiko said looking at him. "But if you let me see your face I'll gladly do it." the woman said with a sly smile

Killer looked behind him and tisked. "Sorry, I would but I have to get to sleep to cook breakfast." Killer chuckled as he shut the door hearing her groaning about how stupid and he is probably just really ugly before stomping away. Killer was happy she was getting back to herself.

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