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Tsukiko laughed as she rolled out pie crust for dessert. She was making an apple rhubarb pie. She went to grab the apples when the ship jerked to the left causing her to crash on the floor and Apples scattered around . "WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!" Someone yelled from outside.

Tsukiko rolled her eyes as she got up and walked out. Her blades were in her room. She didn't think she needed them. No one picked a fight with the Kid Pirates. She grabbed a kitchen knife set before leaving the kitchen.

The green haired woman met Killer on the deck, low ranking pirates jumping aboard. Tsukiko groaned. "I left the kitchen for this?" She frowned. She sensed movement behind her and threw a butcher knife, hitting a man between the eyes.

"Wench!" A man screamed when he saw his comrade dead and ran at Tsukiko. She quickly side stepped him and used a chefs knife to stab his jugular vein. When she pulled it out blood spewed on the deck as he fell overboard.

Tsukiko sighed as she rolled her red eyes. "Why do men just insult when they attack? Do it silently and actually kill them." Tsukiko spoke to herself aloud. Her eyes darting to a man climbing over the railing, she flipped into a handstand and spun, kicking him in the face and sending him into the water.

It only took ten minutes for the Kid Pirates to take down the whole crew. Tsukiko leaned against the deck as the deck hands cleaned up the bodies and blood. "Nice job." Killer spoke from beside her. "Captain wants to see you."

Tsukiko bit her lip and frowned. She hadn't been on the crew very long maybe she did something wrong. She made her way to his workshop and knocked. She heard his deep voice telling whoever to enter. "Hey Boss, Killer said you wanted to see me?"

Kid turned and smiled at her. "You're one hell of a fighter." His smirk one of satisfaction.

"I have to be if I'm part of the Kid Pirates." Tsukiko said with a slight smile.

Kid nodded. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for too. You deserve to be here. Woman or not."

Tsukiko shot away gasping for air. She was dangling from the ceiling again. She calmed her breathing and closed her eyes. "That's right." She whispered with a smirk as her grogginess went away. "I'm part of the Kid Pirates, I won't go down without a fight."

She was looking at the chains, for any sign of rust or loose links when she heard a voice shout. Her eyes snapping to the bars as they slid opened, Moroni walked through with a smirk. "Time for us to go Princess."

Tsukiko smirked. "Kid is here isn't he?" She looked at him. she knew that was her captains voice. Anger could be felt flowing through the floors. Her red eyes cold as she stared at him it shocked Moroni enough where he took a step back. She could see the vein pulsing in his neck he was worried he'd lose.

"Oh that bulky idiot. Yes he's here and he has some serious anger problems." Moroni spoke once he thought he could weaken her. "My men will take care of him and the rest of the crew."

Tsukiko smirked. "They don't stand a chance." Two large men came in and undid her chains and restrained her. She heard the doors being broken to pieces From above. She had to time it right or Moroni would get away. She didn't struggle as she was pushed behind Moroni, she walked with her head down and listening for the right moment.

She could hear the foot steps above them. All they would have to do is bust through the floor. The bricks would take out the two guards. She could dodge them. She heard the heavy footsteps above. They were Wires. She smirked and brought her face up and shouted as loud as she could. "SMASH THE FLOOR BENEATH YOU IM RIGHT HERE!!!"

Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid x OC}Where stories live. Discover now