Moving On

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Tsukiko stared at the wall. She heads the gentle knock and her name echo the room. She knew they wouldn't come in. It was always Heat or Wire that checked on her.

She knew she was self loathing. She felt immense happiness One day then she woke up with no will to live. The doctor said it was from trauma from everything that happened. When she saw the photos of her slave mark she knew it wouldn't go away and she would be permanently branded and reminded everyday.

Tsukiko let a breath out when the doctor slid her pictures of her back. She let out a sob when she saw it. The doctors voice just mutters as she watched the photo of her turn into mush from her tears.

Killer and Kid stood up when she jumped up and grabbed the knife and stabbed herself twice before Kid stopped the weapon for entering again.

"You are stronger than this. Stop it."  Kid hissed in her ear.

Killer took the knife away. He was thankful for the mask. His eyes were wide. He knew she would try and harm herself but it see it in action shook him to the core. She was family. She couldn't give up with will to live. So he made a promise to himself he'd fight to keep her alive. //

Tsukiko sat up from her bed. She saw the sores from laying in bed too often. She knew kid wouldn't put up with it for long. She walked to her bathroom, clothes spewed everywhere and splashed cold water on her face. She looked into the reflection. The cold red eyes she was used to staring at her empty, the darkness of the red hue dim. Her hair was dirty, filled with dirt and grease from unkept hiegune. She let out a sigh and hit her head against the reflection. "Not again." She whispered to herself. "Can I pull myself out of this?"

"It would help if you talked to someone else besides yourself." A voice starleted her. She jumped and wirled around her first clenched as she drew back she was met face to face, well face to chest, with the red headed captain. "You're on for lunch in an hour. Get yourself together or get off my ship."

Kid turned and left. The door slamming shut. She sighed and jumped in the shower. Scrubbing the dirt off her body and watching the blood and the first swirl down the drain. She let the water run over her face before she turned it off. She wrapped a towel around herself and dressed in her high waisted purple shorts, her black crop top and her black thigh high boots. She turned and looked at her reflection in the cloudy mirror. Moroni was gone. She could live her life the way she has always wanted to. Free.

Tsukiko entered into the galley and Killer turned to look at her. He nodded as she gave him a small smile. "What's in the menu?" Tsukiko asked as she through on her apron.

"Boar patties and whatever veggies we have." Killer said sliding over so she could help him dice the onions for the burgers.

After ten minutes the smell of meat filled her nostrils and her stomach growled causing a few deckhands to laugh. "Would it be rude to eat before kid?" She chuckled at Killer who turned his head to give her a look of what she assumed was an stare of 'are you an idiot'.

"Why don't you guys go get the higher ups. Foods ready for them." Killer spike to the deckies. They all bowed and ran out. "Glad you're alive."

Tsukiko thought about making a smart ass comment but she treaded lightly. "Me too.."

Killer saw her hesitate and a frown made its way to his face. "You can joke with us still. If we thought you would kill yourself then we'd lock you up so you can't."

Tsukiko red eyes flickered to his mask and a small smile made its way to her face. "Sorry, I just don't know how to act."

"Act like yourself you idiot." Wire entered behind kid who nodded, a sign of approval that she was standing here. "None of us think any different. If we do. We die."

Killer placed a plate to the left of Kid and kid pushed the chair with his knee. "Now sit down and eat you look like that stupid fucking bone head on the StrawHats."

A smile grew on her face as she sat to eat with the crew. Her family. Listening to the stories that Wire told about islands she locked herself away made her feel at home. And for once, she let herself enjoy it.

I know this chapter is shorter compared to others. It's also the next few chapters will go into more of KiddxTsukiko relationship. I wanted to close on her past before letting her be happy.
I'm in a writing slump but I'm trying so if you read any other stories stick with me! 🤞🏻

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