Chapter Thirty-Two

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Today was when we were going back. Everybody had already made the move with a few stragglers left. Cato was packing the bags, I didn't feel like getting up. I didn't tell him about last night. He would just get mad, again. I didn't want to stress him out anymore, we should be more worried about the wedding then the cat. I felt myself just staring at Cato, getting lost in my own thoughts. Until this man literally jumps on me, I wasn't in the mood to be playful. So I grabbed his arm, pinned it behind his back.

"Whoah! Hey hey hey! Baby! Owe let go!" He struggles tapping my other hand, tapping out. I let go of him, slumping back into the bed. "What's got you stuck up?"

"Nothing I'm just not in the mood today" he hummed.

"I'm assuming you heard about the attempted attack on the institute" I looked up raising a brow.

"Here?" He nodded.

"Yea. The other day I think. Supposedly Lila, Volpina aloud some of her Akumas to-" his words started to drawl out. Becoming unclear. I tried to concentrate but felt myself drifting. Lila. Lila?

""-why would you bring a girl as a gift back to me?" She was wrapped up around the cat.

"Why would I bring a girl as a gift for you? I need you to hide her for me" the woman rolled her eyes.

"From what?" He was quiet for a bit.

"It's for a client and police think she's already dead. This will only be until I find another base" she smirked and then her hand found his chin, lifting it up.

"Okay. I get it. Are you sure it's not an excuse to see me over the weekends?"

"No not really" she put out her bottom lip, pouting.

"Awe, that hurt me right here" she found his hand and pulled it up to her chest. His face scrunched up a bit and then I lost view of them. I felt something. A tightening in my chest. Jealously? How? Then i saw myself calling out to him by his name. He relaxed smiling at me. What is happening?

"Marinette. Love. My sweet love" he snapped his fingers in front of my face bringing me out of my trance. I look up at Cato at his concerned face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry I blanked. Did I know Lila? Before the whole thing..." I waved my hand around. He nodded.

"I do believe you were with her and the cat in the beginning. She was one of your 'guards' I suppose" there has to be more than that.

"What happened to her?"

"Well the cat figured out she was the leader of the Akumas" he went to continue but stopped. He thought about it then continued. "Stuff happened and that got her discovered. She knew too much information on Akumas to not be one" I hummed. I needed to get up now, he was done packing our stuff.

"Hey...just get the stuff on the plane I have to just get some of my toiletries together and I will meet you there" he nodded, strapping my bag to his back.

"No problem. Do you want me to grab anything else?" He was already stuffed with everything. I shook my head almost laughing at his struggle.

"No goof just go." He grinned at me stealing a kiss. I grinned at him waiting for him to exit. Then when he did I began to look around my room. I went into the drawer, pulling out the simple silver band. The same stupid silver band.

I'm getting married to the love of my life, I don't get why I'm still so...attached. Like I'm tied to him. I hate it. So I opened my window. It was raining, the streets were filling up with water leading up to the streams. I tossed the damned thing. I watched it hit the water, draining towards one of the drains. It got stuck as it was about to go in. I continued to watch it until it was fully submerged under, gone from my sight.

Just like that I was satisfied. It felt right. It felt wrong. I can't make up my mind. My mind can't make up what it wants to do.

It has to. I love Cato. I'm getting married to Cato. To Cato. Not the cat. Not the damn cat. What is wrong with me? I can't think straight, I can't. There was a knock at the door. It was probably him. I took a deep breathe to calm myself down and went to the door. I opened it to be surprised by a girl. She had soft red hair, her form built.

"Oh um. I'm sorry. Do I know you?" The girl smiled at me. Her hands were at her hips.

"You did at one point" her voice shook me to the core. Sinister and familiar. I blinked a few times, leaning against the door.

"Lila...?" Her grin grew. She pushed me back into the room, shutting the door and pulling a chair to block it.

"I think it's time for a little refresher right?" She then took out a flute beginning to blow a tune.


She walked out of the institute, her bag in hands. I smiled at her but she didn't return it back. She kept staring at the ground, walking slowly.  Hesitant. Like she walked different. When she got close enough I saw her eyes red and puffy. She was crying.

"Baby...why were you crying?" I grabbed her arm and she flinched. She backed away from me like she was scared.

"I need to see Adrien. I-I need to see him" wait.

"You said Adrien. Why did you say Adrien?"

"You lied to me. All along you've lied to me" she then put a hand over her mouth to cover her sobs. "You lied!"

How in the hell does she remember?!

Then a soft tune began to sing in the air. Fucking Lila.

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