My First Away Game (Marching Band)

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Friday 9-1-18

This was technically my second game but the first game was at our school so it's my second game.

I was talking on the bus to my friend and we kept on quoting vines. During the game I mentioned Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb and now that's our inside joke. The school we went to has a lot of members (over 250) and they have bagpipes in their marching band. The people who play the bagpipes get a special outfit. They get to wear a plaid thing that looks like a cape and they were rocking those kilts. As soon as we got our food we had to go right back and we had 40 seconds to eat. I started eating a little on the way back so it wasn't that hard. On the bus ride back we were like the only two people on the whole bus talking. All we said was "BALJEET BALJEET BALJEET BALJEET BALJEET BALJEET" but it was really funny to us. The guy that Baljeet always hangs out with us Bufford and I was really upset that I couldn't remember him. Nothing bad really happened. The low brass got yelled at but I'm not in low brass so 🤷‍♀️.  We took a little bit of the other school's time away during halftime because we were supposed to get half of halftime and not the whole time but I didn't even know the song that much so I was like "yes"

Overall I think we did pretty okay, even though we did lose

I think I have another away game this Friday, so that'll be pretty fun. Hopefully we can do song 3.

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