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9-21-18 23:27

I hate life right now. Actually no I don't. I hate myself. At my game tonight, I had no clue what I was doing. I don't know my music and my counts. I whacked into multiple people because of my hat. We got yelled at by the band director because we did so bad. And then we couldn't follow his directions, so I don't really know what happened there. And the regular school day was fine, but I was upset a bit at lunch. I don't really like coming home because no one talks to me, and when they do I usually just found something to do. I don't know what's can really do besides practice my music. I'm just a current wreck and I'll probably just shut down this weekend just like I did last weekend.

And if you want, you don't have to talk to me or anything. You can unfollow me. I'm way too busy with marching band right now. I won't be over until the start of November. If you're not patient, then you can leave. If you're willing to wait for my inconsistent updates, thanks, but you don't have to.


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