Dear eric

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Dear Eric ,

I never got the chance to tell you how I truly felt about you when the feeling was there. I guess that's why I'm writing this letter. I want you to know your such an amazing guy and I'm glad I have came across someone like you in my lifetime. I know your doubt yourself so much but you really are such a smart guy with an amazing future ahead you just have to believe in you like I believe in you. I remember you opening up to me about the girl who played you to the max. I just thought to myself how could someone let you go? When I seen you walking down the halls with your head down I just wanted to run to you and let you know that you deserve so much more than someone like that. You deserve every ounce of happiness the world could ever offer and I hope one day you get that. I know I never got to be with you but I hope you know at one point in time I wanted to listen to your problems. Lay on your chest and hear you talk about the kind of day you had. I wanted to write you paragraphs and take cute little photos with you and see your face light up with mine. I wanted to show and give you the love you deserved in my eyes. I hope one day you have a family with one beautiful wife because you deserve it.

- Sincerely Chloe

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