Cherish your loved ones

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Writing these letters I've realized you can feel so many different emotions for different people. I know my letters weren't like Lara jeans but like I said this is the world where sometimes love isn't really kind. I liked two boys in this story and loved two boys. The first boy I loved I've always wondered why some guys where like him? Why hurt someone who would do nothing but love you unconditionally. It's not like I have room to talk tho I completely broke someone as well, not because I didn't love him but because were on two different paths. Have you ever wondered why the universe could be so cruel at times when it comes to love? Why send someone in your life if there just going to have to leave faster than they appear? I guess we will never really know. It's life we live and we learn. I've also come to the conclusion that this isn't the movies. Love is so much more different than that. Sometime s it's not always happy endings. Sometimes it's more picking yourself up and moving on. But hey that's life right.

If you love someone, love them unconditionally. Cherish every moment you share with them. Even the arguments because once it's gone it's gone and it will never go back to how it was. Now some people might get lucky but that's only some. So love every moment you share with that one person. Laugh together, take the cutest pics together and laugh at the most stupidest things ever because I promise you it's so worth it.
A/N: I know this story isn't really that great but I tried and i promise I'll get better as time passes. Thank you for all of you guys who have read my story and who have learned something from it or even have enjoyed reading it. Remember to give me feedback so I know what to work on in the future:))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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