Dear joesph

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Dear Joesph,

Where could I possibly start? Let me start off by saying thank you. I know you were never really mine but thank you for making me feel happy for a short amount of time. Even tho the happiness started to turn into late night cry's and wondering why I was never enough for you. It's not just your fault it's mine too. I should have never pushed you away in freshman year. But I want you to know that when I said I loved you with my heart and soul I meant it. The only difference was you didn't really love me , you loved the way I loved you. You loved how I would drop anything for you. I won't deny there were some pretty amazing moments with you like being the first girl to ever fall asleep on the phone with you. Or how you would randomly all me just because you missed me. Remember that one night you called me when you was in Atlanta and you got down on one knee and asked me to marry you with a ring pop in your hand ? Those are the things I'll remember forever. I know you wasn't mine but you made me think I really had a chance. You told me we was going to make it thru HIGHSCHOOL together but that was just another one of your pretty lies because your nowhere in sight. I'm still on delivery 2 months later on Snapchat but I know your not busy because you watch my story every chance you get. I forgive you though and I will always love you no matter what's been done. You will always have a piece of me.

Sincerely, Chloe

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