Hide and Seek

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"What are we gonna do now?" I hear Ari hiss from behind me.

"I don't know!! Just be quiet and let me map out the best route!" The others silence behind me, staying as still as possible in the shadows so as not to be seen.

I have two options, we can sneak behind cars and in the shadows of rubbish bins down the ally way and scale the wall, taking a left over a few roof tops and making our way down the field behind the Robinson's yard. This is the easier option, but makes us much more vulnerable.

Or we could go back through the Asylum where I know the map of vents from earlier research. This is much riskier, leaves us with a high risk of being caught and the police are probably surrounding all known exits.

Feeling the pressure radiating off Ari and Angels bodies, I choose the first option, signalling for them to get down and stay down. Ari overtakes me, her keen eyes watching for any signs that we've been seen.

The sound of Angels breathing behind me is growing louder and faster. I turn to see her screw up her nose, a sure sign that she needs to sneeze.

Damn, the one thing we forgot about this mission was her dust allergy, and how loud she can sneeze. If she so much as sniffles then this whole mission will fail.

Reaching out as slowly as I can, I take her long, blonde ponytail and place it over her nose. Squeezing her nostrils together I just wait for the sneeze, and right on time. I turn to see Ari with her ponytail in her mouth, gagging her so that she won't make a sound. I nod at the raise if her eyebrows, signalling for me to do the same.

Crawling for a few more feet, we reach a 6ft high wall. Being the most athletic of the three of us, Ari reaches out to start climbing. Keeping one eye on Angel, who knows what that girl would do if we didn't watch her closely, I help point out foot holds to Ari.

Turning to watch Angel once I'm sure Ari has everything under control, I hear a long, scraping sound and quickly spin to see Ari crumpled on the floor.

"Ari!!!! Are you okay?"

"Just dandy, now help me up!"

She scrambles up with the help of my hand and starts cleaning off the blood from scrapes that she received from the merciless wall.

"You scale the wall Layla," Ari suggests, "I'll watch over Angel."

I glance wearily at Angel and start to climb. Just as I reach the top I hear the sound I was dreading most.


I turn to see Ari running at Angel while she stands directly behind a police officer with a butterfly knife in her hand. I can't see her face but I know she's wearing that devilish smirk she gets when she's readying herself to harm someone.

The officer turns at the sound of Ari's scream and starts to pull out a gun, startling Angel and making her stab forwards without a thought.

The officer collapses to the ground, bleeding out of his chest, dead.

"Don't just stand there, climb!" I shout at the girls, "The backup is already on it's way, we need to get out of here!"

They jump to life, Ari boosting Angel up the wall with her shoulders, me pulling Angel up by her armpits. Ari is struggling to get up a second time and time is running out.

"There's a foothold a bit further up on your left!"

"No, your other left!"

"Good! Almost there, grab my hand!"

As soon as Ari's up we start running, sprinting, leaping and ducking around fences, over chimneys, away from the search helicopters spotlight, along the roof line of Dount street.

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