The Article

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"Breakfast is ready!" I call over my shoulder. Various delicious smells engulf my senses as I flip the final egg onto the large platter. I place the spatula on the side of the pan and turn it off at the wall, before grabbing the large plate and walking to the dining table. After I place the platter down, I throw a cloth over my shoulder and go back to the kitchen. I clean up the dishes, and start to get a little impatient.

As Im about to call out again, the little brown haired beauty speeds around the corner, rushing up to me like a race car at full speed. She grins a toothy smile and rams into my legs, almost bowling me over.

I laugh in surprise, most of my impatience gone, "Careful there, Angelica. Don't wanna make mummy fall over now, do we?"

She pulls away and giggles, giving me a sheepish look. Her pigtails bounce as she skips to the table. I get out some cutlery and just as I'm placing them on the table, two large arms wrap around me from behind. I jump, getting a bit of a fright. I spin around to see Fletch standing there with a loving smile on his face. After placing a kiss on my cheek, he pulls away and chucks a newspaper on the table.

"Morning, love. I didn't mean to scare you." His deep brown eyes match his chocolate hair. He has a tall, lean figure, his skin tone similar to mine. His warm, caring personality compliments my carefree, reckless one.

I smile back, glancing down at the paper, "Morning, Fletch. You didn't scare me, I just-"

I do a double take at the front headline. I read it about five times over to make sure Im not seeing things. I pick up the paper, bringing it closer.

Two highly trained patients escape from Avondale Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane- again? Find more on page 3.

Almost instantly I lick my thumb and start flicking through the pages. I scan over the colourful ink multiple times, until a picture of two extremely familiar girls catch my eye.

Breaking news: Two female patients escape The Avondale Mental Asylum for the second time within the past 7 years. Locked up at 17 years old, both girls denied insanity after committing a horrific crime at the young the age of 16. Statements confirm that both girls took part in the skinning of Daniel Robinson and Aston Marks, whom of which skinned Angel Dominick's parents while she was only 14. They both pleaded innocent, denying they committed the crime. After Angel escaped in 2007, both girls got put back behind the asylum doors. Both now at the age of 24, they have escaped for the second time. An insider says, "These girls are very-"

"Love? Are you okay?" Fletch interrupts, concerned. I glance up at him, slightly startled.

"Oh-umm, yeah. Im fine. I just...Fletch?"


"Do you mind if you take the day off? We need to go somewhere." I give him a knowing look, and wait for an answer. Breakfast is now the last thing on my mind.

"Sure, okay." He agrees, still a little confused as to why. He stares at me for a little longer, before realising what was on the paper. He raises an eyebrow, silently asking the question he's been dying to know.

I lean over and pick up my lovely daughter, Angelica. "Cmon, love. We'll get some breakfast on the go." She smiles and nods, but looks really reluctant to leave the freshly cooked bacon sitting on the table.

I grab my keys and my jacket, silently remembering the gun I keep hidden under the front seat of the car. Its hard to explain how I feel, a mix of adrenaline, dread, excitement, happiness. I cant decide which one. The house suddenly seems a lot colder as my nerves build up. But then I remember, I don't get nervous. The cool spring frost lines the windows as I head for the door, but just as my hand reaches the cold handle, my husband calls out.


I look over my shoulder, trying to keep back my smile, "Yeah?"

He gives me a wary grin, "I think its time I see the truth. I mean its what underneath that counts, right?"

That statement brings back a whole lot of memories. From the incident with Angels parents, to the revenge we got, to breaking Angel out of the Asylum. And even to the bullet scar in my back. I remember clearly how Fletch found me lying there on that cold autumn morning, he took me under his wing and did all he could to save me. He never asked questions, but he knew I got shot for a reason. And being outside a mental Asylum, I think he's always had a pretty good idea of what exactly had happened. But he didn't care, he never brought up the subject again. He was like a baby bear, so loving, un-judgemental, and completely trustworthy. Thats why I love him so much, because he's what keeps me from going insane.

I smirk at his statement, chuckling lowly to myself, "If you wanted to see me skinned, you could have just said so."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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