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Darkness cloaking the night. Heavy footsteps thudding on the wooden floor. The sight of acid. My parents bloodcurdling scream. The smell of burnt skin. The taste of torture hanging in the air.

Snap out of it Angel, a voice in my mind cried, I wish I could, but my mind was stuck in the horror of reliving my parents death. Angel you're stronger than this, that small voice pleaded. The images continued, my own waking nightmare, blood, skin, bones, all marched their way across my vision. Fear overcame my mind, freezing me as the memories would continue with their brutal onslaught.

"Help me !" I whimpered, but my call was left unanswered. Nobody to help me, everyone wants to hurt me. Except for Layla and Ari, the greatest people in the world. Slowly images of them crept secretly into my mind, smiling and laughing, memories of happiness and goodness. Everything else went away except for them, my saviours, my friends. They've always been able to pull me out of my panic attacks which where coming more frequently as time went on.

Carefully, I opened my eyes searching warily for the intruders inside the treehouse. They were gone, I slowly uncurled myself from the ball I had tucked myself into. Fear still held a firm grip in my mind and I somehow had to expel it or Ari might get angry at me again. I don't like it when she yells at me, it reminds me of those scary men who skinned my parents. Looking over, I watch Ari and Layla sleeping, they looked so peaceful, relaxed. I wish I was as strong as Ari or as smart as Layla, but instead I'm the one who ruins everything. Maybe I should go back, I mean I'm useless anyway, just deadweight, if I hadn't been caught then we wouldn't be on the run right now. With these thoughts in my mind I take one last look to my two best friends, the only people I could ever trust. Layla's incredible red hair and perfect nose, Ari's gorgeous ocean blue eyes and her wonderful toes. These pictures were the last, I must treasure them. The tears started rolling down my cheeks.

Dammit angel pull yourself together, you've got to be strong. Stop crying, just like Ari told you, I mentally scolded myself. Quietly, I grabbed a hunting knife and started to climb down the ladder.

The pain in my ankle was still throbbing but I couldn't react, the others wouldn't, I have to be strong now. When I reached the bottom I was struck with fear, I couldn't do this, nope, no way, it's too dark, danger at dark.

Be strong you stupid brat! My mind was obviously over my cowardice, start walking, do this for them, it's not about you now. It took all my courage but I managed it, I walked away. I haven't been away from them in six years and here I was taking the first steps away. I didn't like it, but the words that Ari had yelled at me kept running through my mind, 'baby,' 'her parents are dead so what.' The area around me was so dark, the long grass tickled the backs of my palms, the smell of smoke was still in the air. The silence was terrifying, silence always comes after something dies, after their screams have been cut off.

'Snap!' A sound from behind. Quick as a flash, it turned around, facing my enemy. A man it seemed, tall, lean, and possibly in the forties.

"Hello there," he quietly whispered. I didn't reply, I didn't know what to do. Layla's always been here to get me out of a situation. We stood in an awkward silence for a few moments. This man didn't seem to know what to do either, maybe he thought I would run, perhaps I should've. Instead I stood there and he stood there, but then he pulled out a knife. Probably not the smartest move on his part. Before he could take another breath it was interrupted by the knife I brought piercing him thorough the heart. He fell like a rock, but I suppose they all do. Curiously I listened to his last breaths, see how long he would fight for. Conclusion, not very long, so much for murderers being tough. His glassy, cold eyes creeped me out as they stared blankly into nothing. Again the silence was back.

"Now what do I do with the body?" I asked, forgetting that Layla wasn't here to answer that. Well here are my options, burn it- but I have no matches, bury it- I have no shovel, carry it away- um have you seen my arm muscles, cut it up into little pieces and throw them around everywhere like confetti- bingo!

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