Chapter Six

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New chapter of Achieving Your Goal! 

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Much love, Blue-Eclipse  XxX


Chapter Six

Compared to the weather at the weekend, when it was all nice and sunny, the weather has now turned south. Like typical British weather, the clear blue skies and sun have now turned bleak with a light drizzle of rain every now and again, and today is no different.

 There is a faint sprinkle of water hitting Ashleighn as she walks to her second period of double biology. It’s just gone lunch, and Ashleighn waits to find out who her partner is for the biology project her teacher spoke about in the previous lesson.

 As Mr Haywood reads through the list of names, calling out different names of people, all boy/girl pairs, Ashleighn glances around the room to see who is left.

 “Miss Mary Fitzgerald and Mr Lucas Crain, Miss Emma Jones with Mr Samuel Scotts.” Mr Haywood goes on as pupils move to sit with their set partners, “And Miss Ashleighn Evans and Mr Cain Johnson.”

 Her heart flips as she listens to her name being called out as well as Cain’s. though she’s never really thought about having a boyfriend, Cain is the one she’d go for. To her, he’s everything a girl could want in a guy. He’s tall, but not too tall, just the right height for Ashleighn to reach on her tiptoes to kiss him. He’s good looking: tanned skin, like he’s been living in the sun for long periods of time, short brown hair, long enough for Ashleighn to run her fingers through, with brown eyes like chocolate. High cheek bones, the ones most models have. He can be charming; a gentleman, like you now only sees on old romance movies, and he can make her laugh. He makes Ashleighn laugh even if he doesn’t know it.

 She’s never told anybody, not even Rachel, just in case word gets out. It’s just one of those things she fears; ‘if anybody finds out, they’ll tease me about it’ is what she thinks. So thinks like this she keeps to herself.

 “Hey,” Cain says as he takes the chair next to Ashleighn.

 “Hey” she replies, trying to keep the butterflies she has in her stomach calm.

 They sit in silence for a short time, just as Mr Haywood goes through the project. It’s fairly simple, nothing to complicated.

 “As you’re all aware, this unit is one the process of life so your project is to find out what a plant needs to survive. What features are there to keep the plant alive? Is one more important than the other? That’s for you to decide. You’ll have three weeks to complete the project, including the writing up of the experiment and the results. Any questions?” He says as he places trays of plants along the back and front benches.

 “Can we test more than one feature, like the temperature it grows best at and the amount of light its best suited to, or can we only test one?” Emma asks, one of Rebekah’s minions.

 “You can test as many as you wish. The more you test, the higher your mark could be.”

 Ashleighn listens carefully to the questions being asked and the answers Mr Haywood gives. Some she finds are quite pointless to ask as they’re more common sense, but others she makes a note of being careful to write down the answers word for word.

 “So what features do you want to test?” Cain asks Ashleighn as he smiles his devilish smile, making her jump.

 “You choose,” she replies, going all shy and childlike, not really knowing what to say.

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