Chapter Seven

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Here is the next chapter to Achieving Your Goals. Sorry for the long wait, but here it is finally uploaded. 

Please do comment and vote as i need your help for the Watty's!

Much Love, Blue-Eclipse


Chapter Seven

Cain’s POV.

Heat from the sun warming my skin in the last few October days, I watch her as she runs her final lap of the field as her whips around in the wind, by the trees which are producing their own sound of music.

 Coming round the final corner, Ashleighn picks up the pace like she’s running the home straight in an eight hundred metre run. Her face now a faint pink colour instead of her usual pale complexion, and a slight glimmer of sweat clinging to her hairline is visible as she picks up her water bottle.

 “Ready for the next drill or you want a couple of minutes rest?” I ask as I take the ball onto an area marked out on the pitch.

 Nodding her head she follows in sync, placing herself back down on the floor watching eagerly to what I do and listens carefully to what I say.

 Dribbling with the ball I move in and out of the poles I positioned a few moments ago, keeping the ball close to my feet. Next I move onto the gates. Here I work my way through turning left and right to complete each one. Again it’s to test ball control, but also to test different parts of the foot on the ball. After that I yet again dribble through more cones but this time going backwards.

 “When you reach the hurdles,” I shout across the pitch to her, realising I have no one to help demonstrate this part. “You’ll pass the ball into me, jump with both feet over the hurdles, where I will the pass the ball back and with one touch you’ll then shoot at the goal. Got it?”

 “Think so.” Ashleighn replies whilst getting a ball out of the square ready to begin. “How many times do I go round?”

 Quickly glancing over to the balls on the floor, scattered around in a square shaped area, I roughly counting ten or eleven. “Until all the balls are in the back of the net.” I reply.

 She doesn’t grumble as she does lap after lap, firing each ball into the net each time she finishes the course, never missing a shot. Watching her go round I begin to question why she asked me to help her improve her fitness levels, because form watching her today, she doesn’t even look that tired, pink in the face with sweat dripping down – yes. Heavier breathing – yes, but not tired in a way that she looks like she could collapse on the floor at any moment in time. So I begin to wonder why she wants my help.

 Pushing all thoughts aside, I continue with giving her new drills and activities to work through. Sometimes I join in with her; other times I just sit and watch, always wondering what new skills she’ll learn and come out with next.

 Already she reminds me of a mini Kelly Smith of England, but to progress further she could be spectacular. Looking back to when I was younger, I always wanted to be the next Rooney of England, but now, not quite so much.

Ashleighn’s POV

Lying flat out on the ground, barely able to move anymore, I take a small sip of water and pour the rest over my pink body. The cooling sensation brings chills down my spine and all the way to my toes. My breathing steadies with time as I concentrate on bringing it down, and slowly it reaches its usual pace.

 “How was that for you?” Cain asks as I change into a more comfortable pair of trainers.

 “Good thank you,” I politely answer. “Just what I needed.”

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