Chapter One

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Lucas's POV

The sky was a cold gray, and I didn't like it. Unfortunately, glaring at the thick layer of clouds didn't make them move away.

Instead of standing and walking around to get my blood flowing, I leaned against the stone cold walls of the alleyway. The only blanket I had was wrapped around my shoulders, but the threadbare material barely blocked out any of the biting wind.

Still. I was lucky enough to have anything. Although, lucky wasn't the word. I had to punch two guys out cold two get the blanket, and it was much harder to keep it for longer than a week or two.

I lowered myself to the ground, feeling my stiff joints creak as they bent. I grit my teeth at the pain, cursing.

"Stupid weather," I groaned. "Just get warm already!"

Once again, the clouds didn't listen. However, it seems there was someone else in the alleway. And they were listening.

"It's barely the beginning of fall, kid."

I turned, glaring at him. He was tall, but I couldn't tell much about him due to him wearing a thick sweatshirt. Still, he didn't appear to be much of a threat.

"What do you want?" I grumbled. The man smiled.

"Can't a guy be charitable? I was gonna give you money," He said innocently, holding up several dollar bills. "But if you don't want it that's fine."

I scowled, but inched closer. "I'm not a prostitute."

"And I don't want sex, just come take the money." He said, putting the money in an extended hand.

The dollar bills looked so appetizing. I reached out to grab them. He darted out, grabbing my outstretched hand and tugged me close to him and placed something cold and round to my stomach.

"Wh-what the hell?" I tried to growl threateningly, but it came out as a whimper.

"This is how it's gonna work, rat, you come home with me and you don't get shot. Easy enough right?" He whispered in my ear, his voice casual with an underlying menacing tone.

"Let me go you psycho!" I hissed, trying to hide my terror. Of course, no one offers free money without other intentions! This is how kids get killed, or worse!

He hummed, cocking his gun, which seemed to echo in my ears.

"Let's get walking shall we?" He asked, acting like the gentleman he surely was not. I quickly shook my head, gritting my teeth and hoping he couldn't see the tears in my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I hissed!

"Last time I'm saying this, rat. You either walk or get shot and bleed out." He warned, his voice mocking and patronizing. As much as I wanted to doubt him, he seemed genuine.

"Okay," I agreed with a shaky voice. "Where are we going?" He smiled charmingly.

"My house, it's straight on the left of the next intersection." He informed me. I nodded, taking steps forward, hoping he would be too scared to threaten me as we entered more crowded areas.

"Run and I shoot, doesn't matter if it's the middle of the day or not." He threatened cheerily. A shiver of fear ran down my spine, and I nodded as I walked. "Take a left here." He ordered.

"What are you going to do to me?" I finally asked as we walked, my voice cracking from fear.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt...too much." He smirked at me. His relaxed, carefree attitude was so much more terrifying than if he had been trying to appear intimidating. "Name's Averie by the way. You kid?"

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