Chapter Four

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Averie's POV

Lucas could kill with the look on his face alone. It was like a beam of death. However, I didn't care. He needed to get some muscle on him.

Yes, I had convinced him to come to the gym. It's not like I could teach him anything at home. Hell, I could barely move my fingers without my arm flaring up with pain.

"Welcome to the gym!" I announced, stopping in front of the modern building.

"I don't want to be here," He groaned. "Stop trying to make it exciting. It won't work, anyways."

"Don't you wanna punch me in the face and have it hurt?" I asked, trying to bait him to come inside.

"I just have to lightly touch your arm and I'll have you screaming."

"Bet I could have you screaming." I smirked, winking and opening the door for him. He glared, gritting his teeth and hissing at me as he stormed inside.

"You remind me of a kitten," I remarked. "You don't look scary, but you act like you are." I said, leading him over to a bench. I added weights to either side of the bar, keeping it light for him.

"I'm not a kitten!" He hissed.

"See! You just hissed!"

"Did not!"

"Did too."

He didn't respond, just glared once more. I smiled.

"Now, lift."

"No. Not until you apologize for comparing me to a kitten."

"I won't apologize for a true statement." I said.

"Then I won't lift." I sighed.

"Fine. I'm sorry I was being truthful."

"No!" He snarled. "It is not true, and I will not lift a single weight until you admit that!" I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.

"I'm sorry. You don't look or act like a kitten." I said.

"Good." He began to lift the weights, his arms shaking as he struggled.

"Good job." I praised. He glared.

"Don't patronize me," He growled through gritted teeth.

"Put it back up before you crush your ribs." I advised.

"I can't!" I sighed, using my good arm to help him put it back up.


Lucas sat back up, panting and rubbing his arms. "Ow! That hurt."

"It will feel better later." I promised.

"No it won't, it'll feel sore and I'll hate you even more than I already do."

"I don't think that is physically or emotionally possible." I remarked.

He scowled. "Trust me, with you around, anything is possible."

"Even having sex with you?"

"Ew!" He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Never mind." I burst out laughing.

"I know you think I'm hot." I smirked.

"I do not!" He snapped, blushing. "You're the opposite of attractive."

"Is that so?" I asked. "Cause you're blushing quite brightly." I poked his red cheeks for emphasis. He slapped my hand away.

"Shut up!" He hissed. "I thought we were training.""

"So I'm right?"

"No!" He turned his back to me. "You are so far from right- you're- you're-"

"Left?" I suggested with a grin. He paused.

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