Chapter Five

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Lucas' POV

When I awoke, I was enveloped in warmth. That was a relief. It felt nice against my sore muscles.

I shifted a bit closer, sighing contently. Until I looked up to see who I was so close to.

Crap. How do I keep finding myself in the same bed as him?

I began to scoot away from him, trying to escape his embrace without waking him. But every time I'd start to move he'd hold me closer to him.

"Averie!" I growled, my voice uneven as I tried to keep myself from turning too red. "Wake up and let me go!" He groaned sleepily, starting to blink awake.

"What?" He mumbled.

"Let me go!"

"Hmm, no." He decided, nuzzling his face into my neck. I gasped, reddening.

"A-Averie, what are you doing?!"

"Trying to sleep," he muttered. "So shut up."

"Get off me!"

"Too comfy." He replied simply, tugging me impossibly closer to him. I swallowed nervously as my cheek was pressed against his bare chest. He began to gently comb his fingers through my hair, tugging out knot and massaging my scalp every so often.

"Why are you cuddling me?" I mumbled, my eyes drooping as I became tired once more.

"You're nice to sleep with. Cute." He hummed. My face felt warm.

"Well, I want breakfast!" Averie groaned.

"I guess we should get up," He grumbled. "It's getting late."

I smiled, worming my way out of his arms. "Let's get some food dumbass!" Averie groaned, getting up with a bit more mobility than yesterday.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Ice cream."

"You can't have ice cream for breakfast."

"But I want ice cream for breakfast."

"That doesn't mean you can have it."

"Why not?"

"It's not healthy, and pumped full of sugar."

"So are most other breakfast foods!" I whined. "Let me have some! Averie sighed.

"What ice cream do you want?" He finally gave in.


"Come on, to the store." Averie said, having an easier time pulling on a jacket than yesterday.

I followed, smiling. "You're a pushover."

"No, you're just that annoying!"

"You think an assassin would be able resist an eighteen year old."

"You'd expect an eighteen year old to act more mature." Averie retorted, walking through the automatic doors of the store.

"Well then, you have unrealistic expectations!"

"Pick out your ice cream, brat!" Averie snapped.

"Can I get two?"

"No, cause I'm buying one too." Averie replied, looking through the aisles.

"Ï want two though!"

"What other flavour do you want?" He asked incredulously.

"This mint chocolate chip stuff looks good,"I mused. "Or this sherbert."

The Assassin and His Boy (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें