Chapter Three

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Lucas' POV

Averie was a brutal trainer. He held nothing back and hit me as hard as he could each time. Not to mention the mocking comments each time he made me fall on my ass.

I had a bloody lip, at least one cut on my cheek, and multiple bruises forming everywhere.

"This isn't training, this is torture!" I hissed as I felt my wounds.

"I'll fix you up later." He promised.

"You wouldn't have to if you didn't beat me half to death!"

"You're fine, you baby."

I scowled, flipping him off. He grabbed my finger, pushing it back and making me cry out.

"I could easily break your finger right now."
He said in a thoughtful tone.

"Please don't," I whimpered. He nodded, slowly, then looked over my face.

"You need a haircut," he announced, releasing me.

I scowled, rubbing my finger. "My hair is fine the way it is."

"It's way too long."


"So it needs to be cut."

"My hair does not need to be cut!" I protested, crossing my arms stubbornly. "It is perfect as it is!"

"Oh come on, just a couple inches!"

"Inches?!" I screeched. "You cannot take off a centimeter, let alone inches, of my hair!"

"Watch me!" Averie lunged at me, tackling me to the ground. I started to struggle, then let out a cry of pain.

"Watch the ribs!" I hissed as pain flared up from one of the bruises he gave me.

Averie ignored me, hoisting me up to my feet with a strong grip on me.

"Are you gonna cooperate now?" He questioned.

"Over my dead body!" Averie sighed.

"The hard way it is." He drug me back with him to the bedroom as I struggled then opened that dreaded second drawer and pulled out the coil of rope.

He brought me back out to the kitchen area, still holding me tightly.

"Last chance Lucas."

I gritted my teeth, unwilling to lose my honor.

"Try me." Averie tossed me down in the nearest chair, quickly tying my arms to my sides before I could protest.

"Try to escape." He challenged with a confident grin. I tugged at my arms, but there was no slack and despite how much I was loathe to admit it, I was stuck tight.

"Please don't cut my hair," I begged.

"Lucas it's just hair, it will grow back." He soothed, walking over and grabbing a pair of scissors.

"Yeah, but that will take forever!" I whined. "And I hate having short hair. It itches." Averie ignored me, starting to cut my hair. I squirmed, trying to shake him off like he was a bug or something.

"Do you want a bad haircut?" He threatened.

"I don't want a haircut, period!"

"It's barely anything, but it needs to be out of your eyes!"

"My eyes are just fine, thank you very much!"

"What color is your hair?" Averie asked randomly. "It's like, Brown, and blonde."

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