Chapter one: arrival

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A/N I recolored what Max looks like in this story. It will make sense in the story. The kids in this story are 16 or 17.

Max's POV

Mommy and Daddy are sending me to a camp. I'm excited. Normally at school people like to call me names and make me cry. Mommy has me dress like a girl. That's what she said I am. Then boys have long hair and girls have short hair. Mommy is a boy, and Daddy is a girl. That's what I'm told anyway. I love pink and purple. I have a teddy bear named Mr. Honeynuts. I have to hide him from Mommy and Daddy or they will hurt him like they hurt me. I get dark spots all over my body from their hands, and glass bottles. They scare me. Oh I almost forgot, I'm short for a sixteen year old.

I get on the bus that is in front of our house. I jump onto a seat and look out the window. The ride is long, and the bus driver keeps telling me to stop standing. Not my fault I'm excited. As soon as the bus stops, I'm at the door. The doors open and I jump off the last stair. I look up at the two adults. I walk up to the lady.

"Hi Miss, my name is Max."

I look at the guy.

"Hi Sir," I say. They look at each other in confusion.

"Please call me David, and this is Gwen," the lady says. I nod quickly.

"Okay Mi... David," I say. They keep looking at each other.

"Do you want to meet Mr. Honeynuts?" I ask in excitement.

"We would love to," David answers. I get Mr. Honeynuts out of my backpack and hold him out as I smile. David takes Mr. Honeynuts and looks at him before handing him back to me. I smile more.

"Let's go meet the other kids," Gwen says. I nod.

"Are any of them mean?" I ask as my smile goes away.

David's POV

"The kids here are nice," I assure him. He smiles again.

"Okay. Normally kids call me names," he says. We start to walk into camp.

"Can I hold your hand?" Max asks me.

"Sure," I answer. His eyes light up. He grabs my hand and the three of us walk into camp. Max looks around at everything as we walk. I can see a faint bruise on his cheek. I call Preston over since they are tent mates.

"Why don't you show Max to your guys' tent," I suggest. Preston scoffs, but pulls Max away anyway.

Max's POV

"Hi Miss, my name is Max," I say to the kid pulling me.

"I am a boy dumbass," the kid snaps.

"What is your name?"

"Preston, if you must know," he snaps again. I look away. I can feel the tears coming to my eyes. I'm pushed to a tent.

"That's our tent, dumbass," he says before walking away.

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