Chapter three: secrets

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Max's POV

"David, do you have a notebook and pencil or something that I can write in?" I ask. David smiles and goes to his cabin. He comes back with a pen and a notebook. I smile and thank him. I walk into the forest and go to my spot. It's in a little den that is abandoned, under a dead tree log. It's well hidden, and only I know about it. I start to write about everything that has happened in my life. Good thing today is a free day.

Once I finish writing, I walk back to camp. I find a great branch that I can protect myself with from the monsters. I set the notebook on the little table next to my bed. I hug the branch as I pull my knees to my chest, hugging them. I can't stay awake much longer.

Preston's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare that I get once in awhile. I look over at Max. He's asleep while hugging a tree branch, and sitting up. I can see the dark rings under his eyes. There's a notebook on the table next to him. I grab it and open it. Might as read the Dumbass's diary to embarrass him with. My jaw drops at what I read.

'I asked David to give me a notebook to write down everything that has gone on with my life. Mommy and Daddy say I'm a girl. I feel like they don't mean that because Preston has short hair too and he says he's a boy. I don't understand. People with long hair are boys and people with short hair are girls. Preston also hurt Mr. Honeynuts. I thought bringing Mr. Honeynuts with me would make it so he wouldn't get hurt like at home. At home I also get hurt. Mommy and Daddy hit me with their hands, leaving dark spots. They say that's how parents show their love to their children. I don't understand why hurting your children shows you love them, but I don't want to be yelled at. Yelling scares me. Being at home scares me. Mommy and Daddy drink from expensive glass bottles. Once no more is in the bottles, they hit me with them. I wish Mr. Honeynuts was okay. He scared the monsters away that Mommy and Daddy say that are after me for being so naughty. I do what I'm told, yet they say I'm naughty. I don't understand. I don't want to go home again. I walk with David every morning. I think he's starting to see how tired I've gotten the past couple days since I walk so slow. I have to stay awake or the monsters will hurt me. I think tonight I'm gonna fall asleep. I've been falling asleep a lot today from how tired I am. I don't want to get Preston in trouble and say that he hurt Mr. Honeynuts. I think I'm finally getting the hang of the whole he, she thing. I still get mixed up sometimes. People call me names just like everyone at school. What if people show me the same love as my parents do? I don't want that. I'm scared. Maybe I can run away. No I can't. Not without Mr. Honeynuts. I may have to leave him. No, I can't. He's the only thing I have ever been given as a present. It was for my first birthday. That's the only present I have ever gotten. I hope other kids are happier than me. I want to make people smile and laugh, but not at how dumb I am. Preston and the other kids call me dumbass or freak. I don't like it. I want to disappear. Maybe I can get the magic kid to make me disappear since he still doesn't know how to make someone come back. No one will notice, well maybe David will. He's the only nice person other than Mr. Honeynuts. Gwen is alright. She gets mad easy and I feel like it's my fault. I will write out more things as days go by, unless something happens and the monsters hurt me.'

I look over at Max. Still out cold. I set the notebook on the table again. I pull the blankets over me and stay awake the rest of the night thinking about what I read.

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