Chapter 7: A Night With Blesiv

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After we ate, Carlos and Alex asked us to come stay with them at their hotel. I haven't gotten a hotel yet, so I was down. Khalijah was down too, so she left and took an Uber to her hotel to get her bags, and would meet us at Carlos and Alex's hotel.

Me, Alex, and Carlos took an Uber to their hotel. When we went up to the room, Carlos went to get in the shower. Me and Alex decided to lay on the bed and watch Netflix. Me and Alex went from watching Netflix, and it turns into a makeout session. I felt so happy!! I didn't have a care in the world. I couldn't believe I was making out with BLESIV!!!! When we were about to do more than just makeout, Khalijah came and knocked on the door, so we got up and opened it.

K/ "Did I miss anything?!!?!!?!"

J/ "I'll tell ya later!!!!!!"

K/ "Ooooohhhh!!!!!!!!"

*You and Alex both laugh and blush a little.*

K/ "So... Where's Carlos??!"

A/ *trying to make her mad* "With his girl."

*Khalijah seems like she's about to break down into a million pieces!!*

J/ "ALEX!!!!!!!!!!"

K/ "So your in on it too?!!?!?!!!"

*You see a tear roll down her face*

J/ "Khalijah no!! Hell no!!!! I would never do that!!!! Alex just said that to mess with you!! Carlos is in the shower! Go look if you don't believe me!!!"

*You look at Alex kiddingly*

J/ "Your such a dick!!!!"

You look over towards that bathroom and see Khalijah knock. Carlos opens it and you see him pull her in. Then you hear Khalijah giggling. You and Alex look at each other and laugh. You two then walk back to the bed, and plop down.

A/ "You haven't really told me anything about you.."

J/ "Oh... Well, let's not say it's something to go crazy over."

A/ "Huh? Wym?"

J/ "I'm just afraid..."

A/ "Afraid of what?"

*Now he's leaning towards you, kind of getting worried.*

*You look him in his beautiful eyes*

J/ " Well..."

You told Alex the whole story. When you finish telling him, he looked concerned.. He then leaned in and gave you a long hug. You felt like you could sit there and hug him forever. But, Khalijah and Carlos come out of the bathroom, now Khalijah's hair is wet. You give Khalijah a smirk and she giggles.

A/ "Wow.. Did you use-"

C/ *Interrupts him* "Bro!! Really??!"

A/ "What??!?!!"

C/ *Rolls his eyes*

Khalijah grabs some clothes out if her backpack and goes to get ready for bed. You go and hop in the shower. When you get out of the shower, you go get your clothes, and get ready for bed, brushing your teeth, pulling your hair up in a messy bun, and taking some really cute selfies with Alex.

Alex then goes to get into the shower. You realize you left your phone charger in the bathroom, so you walk in to get it really quick.

A/ *He see's you and laughs* "Whatcha doin'??!"

J/ "Omg!! Sorry!" *You say nervouly laughing*

A/ "Chill.. it's okay."

J/ "I was just-"

A/ *Pulls you closer to him and kisses you before you finish*

You feel so happy right now. You don't even care that your clothes are getting wet as he pulls you into the shower with him. He then pulls your shirt and bra off, while you pull your shorts and underwear off. You then makeout.. (I think you know what happens next😉)

Meanwhile... Khalijah and Carlos are under the blanket's now.. (ya know😉)

Then, you and Alex are finally done. You feel so happy to be with him and don't care about anything else right now. You wrap up in a towel, and go get another change of clothes out of your suitcase. You see Khalijah and Carlos.

J/ *You cough up* "Aheem!!"

You then go to the bathroom to fix your hair. Once your done, Alex and you do's. When you guys are done, you look and see that it's 2:21am. You and Alex go to sleep cuddling up together, while Khalijah and Carlos cuddle up together in the other bed. You then fall asleep, your head on Alex's shoulder, and leg wrapped over him, hugging him with your arm, while he has his arm wrapped around you. You feel like your in heaven when you fall asleep.

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