Chapter 26: Lets Not Go

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You woke up, and it was 10:03am.

J/ "Oh shit! Gio were late!"

G/ "No bbg were not, I turned your alarm off. From all the shot that happened, you deserve a break. Lets spend the day together. How's that?"

J/ *smiles pleased* "Yes bebe! Thanks!"

G/ "No problem babe."

    You and Gio cuddled up and then went back to sleep. You guys woke back up at 1:20pm. You guys were up late last night😉, so you both were tired.

J/ "Hey sleepyhead!"

You kiss on Gio so he wakes up.

G/ "Hey!"

J/ "Wanna go to Dunkin Donuts?"

G/ "Please!"

J/ "Okay. Lets go!"

You and Gio got up and got ready. You wore some ripped jeans, and a red and white striped crop-top with some Gucci shoes. You did your makeup, and then pulled your hair into a messy bun.

You and Gio went to Dunkin Donuts, and you got an iced coffee, and some donuts. You and Gio shared the donuts, and he got a caramel frap.

You guys went back to the house, and watched some Riverdale.

Then, the phone started to ring. You got up to answer, and what you heard, made you SCREAM!!!


LA Dreams W/ Blesiv & CarlosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang