"The Start"

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LOL sorry I just love putting random favorite fanarts of other people ehehe anyway let's get to the story


My name is Y/F/N I go to S.E.A Academy I'm actually a scholar in my school before and me being the honor student back in my elementary days, and I gotta say, I got the brains,I am  athletic, and I am creative.

Anyway here I am in class thinking again, I sighed, times like this makes me feel like I don't want to use my intelligence anymore it's kind of boring, I wish to try something interesting for once...


Finally lunchtime it's getting boring minute by minute, I stand up and made my way to the cafeteria and meet up with my best friend Yuu, once I made it to the cafeteria and take a look around my surroundings and DAMN it's crowded, but I spotted Yuu and greeted him, "Hey Yuu!, how was class?" "it was boring"

Yuu is a loyal friend to me, although he is a bit boring because he kept on reading books, he can be fun to be with, Yuu is a mature and a timid guy, well he only gets timid when he meets new people or gets embarrassed, anyway me and Yuu got our food and head to our friends, Akai and Rei"Hey Y/N , Hey Yuu!" Akai greeted them happily, "Hey...." Rei said tired, Akai is the funny and kind friend to us, Akai really hates seeing his friends fight, when he sees us fighting he would stop us and calm us down, Rei is the tsundere like in school he always thinks manga is literature which is totally not, Rei can bake and cook he actually made cookies once and DAMN it was good.

Nothing much really happened until Rei broke the silence,"Hey guys, did you know about the game DDLC was released just a few days ago?,""OH YA, that was definitely fun" Akai said," The way Dan Salvato made the game was definitely amazing," Yuu said amazed, and since I didn't know what DDLC is, if that is what they call it, I asked, "Umm...What is DDLC?"

The guys were shocked like they've seen a ghost or something then-, "YOU DON'T KNOW DDLC!?, THAT'S A SURPRISE", Rei surprised, "True everyone in school knows about this dating simulator game"Yuu said, "You should try it Y/N, IT'S AWESOME!!" Akia said excited, it didn't really catch my interest it's only because it is just a dating simulator where you just click and see pictures and read words in the text box but I'll just play it if they want me to, "Fine, besides it is just a boring simulator anyway," I said bored "Oh, it isn't just any dating simulator Y/N," Yuu said with a smirk, now that got me interested if this isn't any dating simulator then it must be interesting, but now I'm wondering, "Then what is it?" I asked," Oh you'll see once you play it Y/N," Rei said grinning, I SWEAR IF HE KEEPS SMILING LIKE THAT IT WILL KILL ME TO DEATH! "ok then..."I said...




The bell rings

"Welp cya after school guys," Rei said and left, we said our goodbyes to each other and went to class.



Finally, school is over I'm starting to get sleepy, I began packing my things and went out of the classroom and started making my way out of this building.


"Aaaaaahhh~~~, Y/N takes a long time get to here~~" Akai said whining, "Be patient Akai besides maybe his teacher asked him a favor, who knows he is the teachers pet" Rei said sarcastically, "That's true, besides he got the brains right" Yuu said.


I finally made out of the school's building and spotted my friends by the school gate. I walked to them, "Hey guys!" I said happily "Y/N WHAT TOOK YOU LONG, YOU MADE US WAIT FOR HOURS~~~," Akai said whining" Sorry sorry I was busy is all," I said sweating of nervousness, "Anyway let's go before it gets dark," Yuu said, we all nodded and proceeded to walk

Halfway through our house I and my friends split up and went home

when I got home I unlocked my door and went inside, "I'm home", no response came, of course, no one is here after all my parents died due to the accident, I sighed, of course, I would live here alone and lonely forever. After a while I went to my bedroom and change to my pajamas and made dinner and ate it, after eating I went up to my bedroom and open up my PC and install DDLC after that I started playing it and...





"The Impossible to Possible" (Monika x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora